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Englisch >> Grundsätzliches

Double salary raise (3)

nl Balladeer >> montag juli 22 - 10:35
A player of mine (Vito Andriani) Gained a raise from 650 to 974 on 20 july, perfectly acceptable 50% raise. Then on the 21st he got another raise to 1134. That seems rather strange (and not according to the rules).
Can you please set his salary back to 974?
nl Balladeer
nl Danh >> montag juli 22 - 11:11
That seems rather strange (and not according to the rules).

"Wages are fixed for a period of one season, though not necessarily starting and ending when the season ends. Whenever a contract of a player ends he will automatically receive a new, usually better, contract. If a player will be earning more money you will be informed about this. A player will never get a higher salary raise 50% per year, except when he is transfered."

This is a raise of 57% at the start of the season also 2 raises in 2 days time is indeed more then the help says.
when U got a raise it should be around a year till the next raise following this text in the help also stands that he wont get a 50% raise unless he is transfered.
Hmm never knew this :D
nl Danh
nl Vincent de Boer >> montag juli 22 - 11:39
Can you please post bugs on the bugs forum?
nl Vincent de Boer