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Englisch >> Vorschläge

Review of advanced tactics (4)

fr jonkrebs >> mittwoch juli 31 - 17:31

What would be really nice would be to be able to see the advanced tactics we setted up for a previous match. At the moment we can see the strategy we had by knowing the positions when we see the match again, but there is no way to see what were the settings we did for the tactics. Sometimes I don't remember exactly what I did, especially for the return matches...
fr jonkrebs
fr jonkrebs >> mittwoch august 7 - 14:05
Pity I'm the only one with such a bad memory :p
fr jonkrebs
nl Corniel >> mittwoch august 7 - 21:53
I guess so. ;)
nl Corniel
nl Abe Bodaan >> donnerstag august 8 - 07:03
I already suggested this.. but didnt get a response either ;-)
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora