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Englisch >> Fragen

Why does not say what is the price for injury recovery? (5)

pw Su >> sonntag juni 2 - 06:41
Hi. Yeasterday i bought faster injury recovery. But it does not say what is the price for injury recovery, only credits. It should to be write what is prize .. i suprised when my money go out..
pw Su
cn protein >> sonntag juni 2 - 07:09
If you have a level 3 Health Centre, you should be able to see the healing cost each time before you conduct the healing:

I guess you just didn't read it carefully Su?!
cn protein
pw Su >> sonntag juni 2 - 07:13
haha protein I'm blind. I have been there but don't seen xD THX
pw Su
eng VicRattlehead >> sonntag juni 2 - 09:35
To be fair I didn't notice it either when I healed a player the other day.
It is actually a bit deceiving because every other piece of text is in bold but the healing cost isn't.
eng VicRattlehead
hu MacikaG >> sonntag juni 2 - 16:55
Level 4 you can heal 50% with one step. The cost depends of the players skills, age, weekly wage and injury depth and so on.
hu MacikaG
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