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Englisch >> Fragen

Why my U21 squad cannot play U21 matches? (6)

hk Eddie_Baines >> mittwoch juli 31 - 07:03

I have a U21 squad with 15 U21 players, but I have no U21 matches to play. What is the problem with that?

hk Eddie_Baines
ua Garfman >> mittwoch juli 31 - 07:10

Hi Eddie, when did you start your U21 squad? Today?

ua Garfman
Community Head Admin
ph Garfman FC
hk Eddie_Baines >> mittwoch juli 31 - 07:14

My youth center level 3 was completed on 29 July 13xx, then I started my U21 team immediately.

hk Eddie_Baines
ua Garfman >> mittwoch juli 31 - 07:30

hmmm, then you should already have matches for the two coming days, I think. You should probably report this as a bug.

ua Garfman
Community Head Admin
ph Garfman FC
il Numpty >> mittwoch juli 31 - 08:01, Geändert mittwoch juli 31 - 08:05

No need to report this as a bug. 

Two U21 matches get scheduled every 3 days. For the English league the last two were scheduled on Monday the 29th. This would have been before you started your U21 squad.

You'll get two tomorrow morning, 1st August. These will be played on 2nd and 3rd August.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Garfman >> mittwoch juli 31 - 09:16

Ah alright, I didn't realize that. For my own leagues (Wales and the Philippines) that was today. Good to know, thanks Numpty.

ua Garfman
Community Head Admin
ph Garfman FC