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Englisch >> Vorschläge

missing value in export excel/cvs (3)

be Rydeck >> donnerstag august 29 - 09:09, Geändert donnerstag august 29 - 09:11
I made this post already in the dutch forum but I think that wasn't the right place (see:

I will repeat this in english.

The export to excel is a good idea but I mis an important value. The value "position-experiënce" (the 4 rectangles after de 4 positions).
I know this is not a secret value because you can see the value by hovering the mouse over it. That's why I don't understand why this value is not mentioned in the excel.
Can you add this, please?
It would improve my calculations a lot.
be Rydeck
fr TONTONKAL >> donnerstag august 29 - 10:22
I asked for it a month ago but no response yet
us Cooper >> freitag september 13 - 14:04
I totally agree. Its great that you can download the player data and track the changes over time, and positional experience is an important part of that. Adding that to the download file would be a big improvement. Watching my players improve is the most enjoyable part of the game for me, and experience is an important factor in their actual skills in the game.
us Cooper