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Englisch >> Vorschläge

Cancel or state teamname when making a transferbid (3)

nl Abe Bodaan >> mittwoch januar 30 - 17:09

There should be an option tot cancel a transferbid within a minute.

Or make a notifiction about which team you are placing a bid with in case of having a second team.

nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora
lv Snobs >> donnerstag januar 31 - 04:30

Actually the team name is stated when you are making the bid. Right above the amount you are paying for the player.

However, it might be more highlighted, I had a few times when I accidentally made a bid from my second team.

lv Snobs
Community Admin
lv Citizen Seducer
nl Abe Bodaan >> donnerstag januar 31 - 09:14

Maybe that would be a solution, to highlight it a bit more.

nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora