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Englisch >> Fragen

Why do staff retire? (3)

nl Orauw >> sonntag dezember 29 - 20:58

Is there a reason why staff retire but players don't?

nl Orauw
ee Taavi >> montag dezember 30 - 01:01


ee Taavi
Community Admin
ee FC Pusa
ua Kalle >> montag dezember 30 - 07:58

Because players all want to be like Joaquín and staff all want pensions to go on a cruise.

I think because players have a transfervalue and can be sold and staff cant.

It would be f*ck up if your best goalkeeper decided to retire at 37 :) And to minimize server load staff will retire, otherwise there would be no way to get them out of the system, thus creating to much data.

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle