Forum: Englisch rss-feed

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Englisch >> Fragen

new evoluted team (3)

it Dicklcheese >> donnerstag dezember 7 - 15:51

hi, i'd like to take control of a new evoluted team, but the system say that i can't take control of team that are on the 50 best team of the continet.

but i see team that aren't in the 50 best.

why this happening?

it Dicklcheese
ga Mandji Ebony Star
ua Garfman >> donnerstag dezember 7 - 15:59

Hi, do you mean that the team you are trying to take over is not in the top 50 best teams of the continent? Which team is it?

ua Garfman
Community Head Admin
ph Garfman FC
it Dicklcheese >> donnerstag dezember 7 - 16:28

sorry i mistake, i misunderstnd popularity with coefficient

why devs haven't added a rank where you can see both coefficient and if a team is a bot....

it Dicklcheese
ga Mandji Ebony Star