Liga USA saison 7

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Any tricks to landing players when bidding for loans? (2)

us Legends_SC >> montag januar 22 - 03:16

I've lost bids before, but this cycle is soul crushing.  I've been bidding for highlevel players 15.00 and above and lost 10 straight players.  On 8, I was the odds-on favorite or tied with one other team as the favorite and lost each one.  I can't figure out if there is any rhyme or reason whatever the algorythm is for deciding.

us Legends_SC
us Legends SC
us Peter >> freitag januar 26 - 17:29

Bid the most you can, for as many different players as you can. Sooner or later one will land.

Having more Yes's checked off for your bid helps, but it doesn't make for a guaranteed win.

Just keep bidding.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers