Liga USA saison 8

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4 seasons until I start Level 11 stadium (2)

us Legends_SC >> freitag januar 10 - 18:49

Wow!  This takes forever to get the money together and forever for it to be built.  Hope I'm still playing by then, lol.


When I start the build, I will spend $1.4B to build it.  Essentially all of my money.  I'll save up a bit more than needed to have some capital.  Will I earn interest on that $1.4B while the stadium is being built or is it immediately spent and I lose the interest earning power while waiting for the stadium to be built?

Thanks in advance for any input.

us Legends_SC
us Legends SC
us cdowne >> sonntag januar 12 - 12:49

Congrats on the stadium.

Once you click build, that money is gone and the interest with it.

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC