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Αγγλικά >> Γενική συζήτηση

Advertising ideas? (18)

nl Vincent de Boer >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 12:53
So far the game seems to work well and run smoothly, so it would be nice now to increase the number of players.

Does anyone have idea's on how and where we could promote a game like this?
nl Vincent de Boer
Επικεφαλής Διαχειριστής
se Flávio Fernandes >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 13:39
Google ads, and also adverstising in websites abotu football would be good
se Flávio Fernandes
Κανονικός χρήστης
hr Marko Bojanović >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 14:19
Maybe you could make application for app store and google play for both rocking rackets and rocking soccer. It would certanly attract some crow and it's free to upload (at least on android I think).

Smartphone and tablet apps are real hit at this moment and having app on stores is promotion for itself.
hr Marko Bojanović
cn protein >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 14:30
Developing an app for the game is certainly a good idea, but I fear this is too much work for the developers as of now...?

I think maybe we can exchange the our link with other similar online football games, forums, etc. Also let every user have a promotion link, from which he/she can benefit a bit (credits, VIP account, etc).

And since the selling tickets feature takes effect today, I guess you can add a register entry there in the page too, so that the users can even send the link to his friend who isn't a user yet. When he gets an account, he can vote for his friend. I think it's also a way for promoting.
cn protein
Κανονικός χρήστης
nl Vincent de Boer >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 14:41
Hi protein, you don't need a user account to buy tickets, you can do so when you're not logged in. So even friends who have no interest in getting an account can help you now and then to get fans by clicking your link.

If that's not clear it might need clarification?
nl Vincent de Boer
Επικεφαλής Διαχειριστής
nl Vincent de Boer >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 14:43
An app is a good idea. I anyway want to make a mobile version of the game since that's become increasingly more important.
nl Vincent de Boer
Επικεφαλής Διαχειριστής
cn protein >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 14:55
Thanks Vincent, I got it now. :)
It's indeed a good way to promote the game then, but will that lead to spamming or even cheating issues...?
cn protein
Κανονικός χρήστης
eng pepsy11 >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 14:59
It takes a good amount of time to make an app, and for IOS it costs some money too..
I would not make option like promotion links for users so that you get an unfair advantage just because you know ppl who want to play or register for you. And it is so easy to abuse.
Google ads on football sites is a good idea. Besides that, it is just continue to develop the game to a level where it is "complete". Now there is still some rather big things in development, considering the games focus.
eng pepsy11
hr EroSt >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 16:09
Creating a nice video of the game would be nice too (with things that you can do in this game). Post it on youtube, or even open account with the name of the game. Create page on facebook/twitter and pay for advertisment.
With good advertaising you can do anything you want. :)
hr EroSt
be Jonas >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 19:34
Creating an application would indeed be a great idea. Is it affordable?
be Jonas
Κανονικός χρήστης
eng Kezza >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 19:39
How about top sites kinda links (similar to what you have in rocking rackets).. and reward people who click the links for you.. this is how I found out about the tennis version.
eng Kezza
nl Vincent de Boer >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 19:52
Kezza: I have no idea if those sites actually work, but apparantly they do ;) I did consider adding this here as well.
nl Vincent de Boer
Επικεφαλής Διαχειριστής
il ofer cohen >> Κυριακή Φεβρουάριος 17 - 20:01
at least in israel - translating to hebrew will help a lot
(i'm willing to help)
il ofer cohen
nl Corniel >> Δευτέρα Φεβρουάριος 18 - 00:24
@Ofer: I thought at least 50% of the Israeli speaks English (very) well? Other languages are nice, but don't have any priority yet imho.
nl Corniel
pl EGS >> Δευτέρα Φεβρουάριος 18 - 12:21
My idea. In statistics of the
league a ranking of competitors
should be with the greatest
average of evaluations.
pl EGS
Κανονικός χρήστης