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Season 30 (21)

be Jeton R. Bardhi >> Σάββατο Μάρτιος 25 - 13:38
Who is ready for the new season? How are your expectations and predictions? My team is feeling ready and to regain the league title and cup once again together. Still lots to be done for reaching it.
be Jeton R. Bardhi
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee onuelver >> Κυριακή Μάρτιος 26 - 10:24, Τροποποιήθηκε Δευτέρα Μάρτιος 27 - 13:40
At first i try to get my loans. Real trouble is with normal u21 keeper. My champions cup opponent has no u21 keeper at the moment at all but he can buy something at any moment as he has some NT youngsters and should be rich enough.

edit: i got my u21 keeper.
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> Κυριακή Μάρτιος 26 - 20:19
Very valuable point for Permet in EL!
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> Τρίτη Μάρτιος 28 - 12:58
I don't get how he is still better on points and coefficient when he is only finishing on 3rd rank each year.
be Jeton R. Bardhi
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee onuelver >> Πέμπτη Μάρτιος 30 - 18:01
It will be very short cup trip this season.

That euro coeff don't depend from league performances. Only euros count. How many points you earn and how far you progress plus a part of country's overall coeff which should be equal for every club from same league.
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> Τρίτη Απρίλιος 11 - 14:25
Never expected to win against JRB Forces in U21 Cup...
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> Τετάρτη Απρίλιος 12 - 21:51
Well, your loaned players did a great job. My GK is not yet in a good standard. Btw, i think the game did program you to win that match :P My players did not do what was supposed to usually do.
be Jeton R. Bardhi
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee onuelver >> Κυριακή Απρίλιος 16 - 16:40
Another point from big teams :)
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> Δευτέρα Απρίλιος 17 - 09:58
Thank you by stopping Permet and Flamurtari :)
be Jeton R. Bardhi
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee onuelver >> Τετάρτη Απρίλιος 19 - 20:29, Τροποποιήθηκε Τετάρτη Απρίλιος 19 - 20:42
How the hell could i lose points to Tanamera??? Every bot beat them.

And KF Tirona at home?? Another such result and i quit this team!!!
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> Τρίτη Απρίλιος 25 - 09:22
Chill mate.. These things happen sometimes. Every league has these things. It is because of programming of this game..
be Jeton R. Bardhi
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee onuelver >> Πέμπτη Απρίλιος 27 - 21:30
Got today this player. Maybe future NT?
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> Κυριακή Απρίλιος 30 - 19:43
Yep, could be.. hope he will be developed well
be Jeton R. Bardhi
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee onuelver >> Κυριακή Απρίλιος 30 - 20:10
I hope i can do it as i see him currently in future in my first team as he is one of my first good Y10 pulls.
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> Παρασκευή Μάιος 5 - 16:37, Τροποποιήθηκε Σάββατο Μάιος 6 - 12:55
It's not normal that all injuries and cards go to my defence...
And today i have only 3 normal defenders plus some young junks.
ee onuelver
Κανονικός χρήστης
ee Puka City Strikes Back