Πρωτάθλημα: Καναδάς Σαιζόν 72

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Συζήτησε για τον όμιλο σου: Ποιος είναι το φαβορί αυτή τη σεζόν; Ποιος θα ανέβει, ποιος θα πέσει, πώς τα πας στο κύπελλο;

Επίστρεψε στον πίνακα των φόρουμ

Congratulation to the new champion (3)

cl brainbot >> Τετάρτη Ιούλιος 2 - 22:49
Only can I say, well played, thanks everyone for your contribution to this league, and good luck in the next season.
cl brainbot
Κανονικός χρήστης
ca magic_roy >> Τρίτη Ιούλιος 8 - 16:35
Congradulation to FC Taicang Jinlin for winning the championship this season. Also congrats to brainbot for his second place.

Our Team Canada is doing good. We are now in semi-finals. Will be following this closely.

See ya next season

ca magic_roy
Κανονικός χρήστης
ca Alex Seymour >> Πέμπτη Ιούλιος 17 - 19:50
With respect to the National Team guys, if you have a high youth club, please generate Canadian players. We are starting to fall behind as a country while teams develop youth for minnow countries.

I will always pick a few good youths from our system for the NT to help develop Team Canada. I am open to suggestions if you feel a particular player should be picked etc.
ca Alex Seymour
Κανονικός χρήστης
ca Hamilton FC