Πρωτάθλημα: Αγγλία Σαιζόν 10 [4.1]

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Συζήτησε για τον όμιλο σου: Ποιος είναι το φαβορί αυτή τη σεζόν; Ποιος θα ανέβει, ποιος θα πέσει, πώς τα πας στο κύπελλο;

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A strong start to the season (2)

eng Lordharrington >> Τρίτη Νοέμβριος 7 - 12:31

I've just taken over as the new manager of the Hull City Wolfs and it's looking great with a new start to team maybe a even a promotion into league 3 only time will tell.

eng Lordharrington
Κανονικός χρήστης
eng Lordharrington >> Παρασκευή Νοέμβριος 17 - 13:04

It's very close now until the end of the season with Grantham leading the league hull city wolfs in second place and London with equal point this couldn't be more exiting only time will tell to see where these teams will Finnish.

eng Lordharrington
Κανονικός χρήστης