Mike >>
Τρίτη Σεπτέμβριος 8 - 18:56 Something a bit off topic for the group since we haven't talked strategy in awhile.
I just got a relatively older fit player in my YA which makes me naturally think "keeper". There's a few interesting discussions on keepers, especially fit keepers, actually improving after age 47 since their age factor stops decreasing.
What do you guys think? Seems like a potential loophole to leverage, but it may become cost prohibitive. Also, how many of us will be playing the game 5-6 years from now in real life when this can be exploited?
Some links in case you're interested in diving in.
Aging Factor Explained
Pucciol (age 56 - and improving because of his immense talent)
Numpty and others talk about this on Aug 30th
A keeper being too good - almost $1B/year in wage