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English >> Suggestions

player statistics. (2)

cn 山东人 >> sunday january 26 - 03:14

U21 events should be considered official events in terms of player statistics.

cn 山东人
eng Qin Empire
ee Balthazor >> tuesday february 4 - 21:09

U21 league is non-official tournament, only for training purposes. Teams join and leave during season, league fixtures draw is random and you may play 12 matches with one team and zero with other team in same league. So responsible teams look mostly that their players will get 20 matches and don't look for results. Some u21 players are lucky to play in big league too and get there their official stats. On players' page even cup matches are not counted(u21, national, continentals, ...) that's makes easier to count matches and check player's history (how he was trained earlier). 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn