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Английский >> Предложения

Закрыто Individual player instructions (7)

no Lied >> Пятница Сентябрь 13 - 13:18
I think this game would be better if we could give each and every player more individual instructions, instead of the whole team. For example, i would like some of my CM's to tackle more often, but not all of them. I would like most of my forwards to try high risk shooting, but one of my forwards have high dueling/passing so I would like for him to hold on to the ball and have low risk shooting.

no Lied
ar Tonami >> Пятница Сентябрь 13 - 13:42
I supposed thats true.. but more usefull would be to have tactics change in game... to change formations and players.. i think it would be more interesting
ar Tonami
ar Gabrielorco >> Суббота Сентябрь 14 - 05:14
I like this idea :D
ar Gabrielorco
ph Joshua >> Суббота Сентябрь 14 - 06:39
this is actually a good Idea..
ph Joshua
no Lied >> Суббота Сентябрь 14 - 08:59

I'm not sure what you mean. You can move each and every player freely when creating a formation and have very few restrictions. Pretty much the only kind of formations you cant create are those with 3 central CBs/CMs/AMC/ST. This makes it impossible to create a real 352 for example, but still gives you a lot of options.
no Lied
ar Tonami >> Суббота Сентябрь 14 - 20:50
jajaja nono, I read and post here just to practise a little bit my english =)... I just say that if i want to change a forward and put a def.. that def is going to play on that forward position..
ar Tonami