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Английский >> Вопросы

Change from Arabic currency to dollars? (6)

us Peter >> Среда Март 20 - 19:05

I just got a new team in the United Arab Emirates, and I can't stand seeing the Arabic symbol instead of the dollar sign. Is there a way I can change this?

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
il Numpty >> Среда Март 20 - 19:18

This seems to be available under Account > Locale information


  • By default you use the currency and timezone of the country your team is playing in. We do this to encourage people to pick their own or a related country and help communication between people playing in the same league. We do however offer V.I.P. users the opportunity to select their own timezone and currency.
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> Среда Март 20 - 19:20

Thanks Numpty :)

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
hr Kupus >> Среда Март 20 - 20:53


Was it the oil that brought you to the middle east?

Texas wells drying up?

hr Kupus
Администратор сообщества
de Regnum Croatorum
us Peter >> Среда Март 20 - 23:28


us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
eng holt >> Пятница Март 22 - 12:45

@Kupus Nah,they still got Alaska.

eng holt