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Английский >> Предложения

Please increase some football cup,just like the country cup, in lower legue matches. (7)

cn cr7 >> Воскресенье Ноябрь 24 - 11:19

In some  big countries,many teams can not go to higher grades just because they do not play enough time.They may lose tnterseted in playing this games if they can not go to the highest legue matches and play the international competition.

If there are some big football competition just during some weaker teams.They can also enjoy the national competition even they just join the game for few seasons.

It can also test the ability for players to control their teams to have 2 or 3 matches in a day.

cn cr7
cn Brighton FC
us k9INE >> Пятница Ноябрь 29 - 17:01
Cups should be added for lower league teams to play.
us k9INE
ro Andrei >> Пятница Ноябрь 29 - 18:43, Отредактирован Пятница Ноябрь 29 - 18:43
This has been suggested before. No actual action taken, as you can see.
ro Andrei
il Numpty >> Пятница Ноябрь 29 - 18:49

This does seem to be one of the more popular suggestions. 

Unfortunately the developers seem to have gone into hibernation for the winter. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 03:08

That would suggest inevitable activity in the spring. That's music to my ears.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
il Numpty >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 10:22

Maybe @Peter, perhaps in the Spring they will be hypnopompic.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Dragontao >> Суббота Ноябрь 30 - 19:41

He didn't say which winter Peter, this could be a Game of Thrones type "winter is coming" scenario. The RS winter could be an ice age.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2