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Английский >> Вопросы

To Build or Not To Build (12)

eng Lee >> Четверг Сентябрь 30 - 20:10

There's a lot of uncertainty on the forum about the future of the game, which leads me to my question: do I spend millions and wait 3 months for my level 10 stadium to be built, or do I spend it all on new players and simply enjoy the game for however long we have left?

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> Четверг Сентябрь 30 - 20:56

Build the stadium!

There are enough people who would stay with the game (esp in China) to keep it competitive.

I'm staying around as long as possible, if anything to see what Numpty does when he finally gets in the Premier League.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Lee >> Пятница Октябрь 1 - 00:14

Wise words Mr. Seymour, and I hope your optimism pays off, or you will owe me RSD 407M!

I should be ready to click 'build' after my final home game of the season, so there's still time for my mind to be swayed.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ua Garfman >> Пятница Октябрь 1 - 07:25

As Alex said. Many of us have no plans of leaving anywhere in the near future. We have quite a solid basis of users who will not do that anytime soon.

ua Garfman
Главный администратор сообщества
ph Garfman FC
il Numpty >> Пятница Октябрь 1 - 07:33

Lol @Alex. It'll be at least another year before we even finish building. 

I agree with the advice to build the stadium. Although there are some issues with the game I'm confident that it will remain playable for quite a long time.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> Суббота Октябрь 2 - 18:08

Users like me....I guess

I have been in this game ( rocking soccer ) starting from 2015 and

Soccer manager from 2013.

So I guess I am one the most special one here. Lol



If you have the money to spend try spending it wisely both in really life. Money is meant to be spend as the saying goes.

ua Good bye
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> Суббота Октябрь 2 - 19:33
Just spend! really @ff i will buy a pinch of salt wisely, it gives life it taketh too.
ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi
ng ¤_Respect °II° Davo_¤
eng Lee >> Понедельник Октябрь 4 - 20:32

The stadium is under construction!

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ua Good bye >> Вторник Октябрь 5 - 18:52

Oh...that's a lovely thing to do.

Now wait for it to finish and remember keep saving more money.


ua Good bye
eng Lee >> Понедельник Январь 10 - 20:19

It's time for the Rocking Soccer world to rejoice in knowing the stadium is complete!

More good news is the game is still going!

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> Понедельник Январь 10 - 23:09

Nice one. Now you need to get saving for Stadium 11!

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
il Numpty >> Вторник Январь 11 - 11:07

Congrats Lee. That was a good decision.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets