League of Burkina Faso season 84

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1 bf Sun of Alres 7 510539343238419
2 bf Burkina Faso Tingfeng 4 610339334221810
3 bf FC Djibo 1 1 110239333329215
4 bf Legiones Astartes 14 169839322520919
5 bf FC Ouagadougo 276392511315253
6 bf Wakanda 3 276392511312954
7 bf FC Ouagadougou #2 4 753391722060147
8bf FC Ouagadougou #6 1 28 2653391651847138
9bf FC Ouagadougou #173239952520182
10bf FC Ouagadougou #102639682514166
11bf FC Zorgo2039552921209
12bf FC Kaya 2 22 171839462910177
13bf FC Bobo Dioulasso143928297188
14bf FC Kaya #3133927309195