League of Canada season 69

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What youth(s) are you most excited about? (32)

no Chili >> tuesday august 25 - 21:16
magicholan: Oh, I didn't suggest my player should be on the NT at all. I think he's rubbish. :D I do see that a lot of the rotation players get their share of games, as well as the better developed youths but I'm very confused as to why certain players haven't had a single match yet or very few (http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-833662 this guy for instance). Even though they're not YC10 supertalent level, they're pretty much the best you've got to replace the current players when they start to decline.

I'm not producing good players any time soon, so when I buy players that's just something I take into consideration. To be fair though, my NT is far less competitive, so I suppose I just have more time and opportunities to focus on the NT youths. Wasn't meant as criticism.
no Chili
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 >> wednesday august 26 - 00:02
@Chili Thanks for the reply. Yes, that kid is brilliant and worth to develop.

However, this selection term is considered more about combat capacity (North American Cup), there are less spots for youths. This is the first time that he shows up in the shortlist, I don’t know much about the training plan and I have not communicated with the manager yet. He has been in new team for three seasons and with no special training so far as he is 19 now. Therefore, I marked him as the same level with some other good youths to make a draw for the last chance for the friendly experience.

Thanks again for the concern of NT stuff, your valued information are welcomed and appreciated. Really happy to see we can discuss this, that what I keep looking for~
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
no Chili >> wednesday august 26 - 08:45
I can see where you are coming from; fair enough. :)

A lot of NT managers simply go with their strongest squad (and unfortunately, often measured by star value) so suppose it's easier to assume that players are being neglected.

It's also worth keeping in mind that stronger teams tend to delay their special training until the player is ready for the first team, but looking at other players in the squad should give some indication of whether he has any intention of initiating one.

I wish you the best of luck in the NA Cup!
no Chili
ca Jax >> thursday september 3 - 04:31

Got this guy a couple days back. Really disappointed that his age is as poor as it is. He'd be a candidate for the National team if he was 16 not 17.5

I still think he'll be a starter down the road but it's about what could have been...
ca Jax
ca Jax >> monday january 25 - 21:39, Edited tuesday january 26 - 02:10
Time to refresh this thread.


Here's a player that I will likely loan out for 1 more season unless I can sneak a power training in. I look forward to many seasons with this player in a DCB/CB role.
ca Jax
ca Alex Seymour >> monday january 25 - 22:37
You are going to play that keeper guy as a DCB Jax?!
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ca Jax >> tuesday january 26 - 02:10
I posted the wrong link. It's fixed now, thanks.
ca Jax
ca Alex Seymour >> tuesday january 26 - 02:52
Yep he is going to be a good center back. Not had a popular player yet, be interesting to see his impact on your fan club.
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ca Jax >> saturday march 12 - 05:04

I was pretty excited about picking up this 17 year old defender in the most recent transfer window.
ca Jax
br lujandecuyo >> saturday march 12 - 15:00
this is my jewel

br lujandecuyo
ca Tristeza Nao Tem Fim
eng Lee >> saturday march 12 - 18:08
Take a look at this monster; his future is paved with gold. Will be available in the next transfer window at a very reasonable price :)

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Jax >> saturday march 12 - 20:18, Edited sunday march 13 - 00:00

got this one today. DCB of the future.

@lujandecuyo Very nice!

Supertalent Keeper: Still 2-3 seasons away from playing any kind of role on this team.

ca Jax
ca Jax >> saturday november 12 - 18:52
Time to resurrect this thread!

I don't really have anything super impressive at the moment but I figure I'd share my good run of Intelligent players from the level 9 YC...

ca Jax
ca Jax >> sunday january 15 - 22:38

Still deciding on Midfield or Defender.
ca Jax
br lujandecuyo >> monday january 16 - 11:22
br lujandecuyo
ca Tristeza Nao Tem Fim