League of China season 45

U21 league results

Here you can find the U21 league results of teams in this league level this season. Note that, depending on the number of teams with an U21-squad, teams can play against teams from different league levels.

1cn FC AEi 致敬传奇波尔多! 12 22 1385322741559
2cn 蓝色大猪头 1 1703222467428
3cn Orange King 1683221569854
4cn FC Nanchang #16 1653221295841
5cn 赤色军团583217785944
6cn 我想降级FC 北京工业大学(BJUT) 15132163137348
7cn AJ Auxerre 7 11 84632137124944
8cn 〓□ W □〓 4 2 14632144145056
9cn 北京同仁堂 7 44532136133737
10cn 九命玄喵4032124167183
11cn 强强强强强 10 114032124164355
12cn 御剑十天 5 1 43932123175556
13cn 大爷来了3632113186680
14cn 北门红军 3 1203255224877
15cn Yeovil Town 4 5 5133241273697
16cn Wuxi Utd 4 3 2133234252588