League of Cuba season 85

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Cuba on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 cu Neptuni pediludium 4 25 2330101000951
2 cu Matanzas 1 8 525108111037
3 cu Dracena Melilla FC 2 12 1325108111026
4 cu Cuban Rum 1 3 72510811613
5 cu Bzbc FC 12210712755
6 cu Prince of Rome 4 35 3021107035021
7 cu Guantánamo 218106046514
8cu Holguín 1 118106045034
9cu Avileño United11103251236
10cu Havana #241010316849
11cu Santa Cruz del Sur910235649
12cu Santa Clara710217674
13cu Puerto Padre610208984
14cu Havana #74101184104
15cu Güines110019072
16cu Havana #20110019390