League of Egypt season 85

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Egypt on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 eg FC Al-Fayyum 5 57 59217700851
2 eg FC Alexandria 5 13 8217700554
3 eg Dakahlia United FC217700325
4 eg الزمالك1886022311
5 eg FC Diyarb Najm 7 61575025513
6 eg FC Alexandria #61384131013
7 eg الإتحاد المرجاوي1183231338
8eg FC Mallawi108314920
9eg Mit Marja City1083141035
10eg FC Port Said #498233620
11eg FC Alexandria #1388224621
12eg FC Cairo #21581251455
13eg FC Fāraskūr47115215
14eg FC Alexandria #747115923
15eg FC Tanda #2381071036
16eg FC Banhā #338107332