League of England season 82 [2]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of England on the game Rocking Soccer.

1eng Sutherland FC8338241138021
2eng AFC Cumbria United7738221156328
3eng Cramlington Town7538243118144
4eng Borg bride743822886441
5eng Aston Villains7038217107554
6eng Shining Force6638206129178
7eng Birmingham Hunter6538198117753
8eng Sunderland Thugs!6238188127459
9eng SuDoku AFC61381710116953
10eng Sooth Sheels58381610126161
11eng Fast Cocks57381512115448
12eng Red Lions fc55381510133834
13eng Mace Utd 25338158156170
14eng FC Southampton4938147173646
15eng Qin Empire4638137188178
16eng South Shields FC4538129175458
17eng Swindon #4313887234163
18eng Abbottishotspurs163837282987
19eng Parkstone Lunatics1038243228102
20eng Cuy Con Papas FC 3 293823331796