League of India season 50

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Arko says.... (NT chayan Kamity) (63)

in viktor >> friday august 29 - 14:58
Does anyone want to set the tactics for tomorrow's match against Korea?
You know the drill - Say you want to here.
Send me an im with the formation,lineup,tactics
in viktor
in Air FC
in viktor >> friday august 29 - 23:01
OK We ll be playing the 2-3-1-4 formation since we RS does not allow 5 forwards. And we are going to win 4-3 yes.....
in viktor
in Air FC
in viktor >> thursday september 25 - 01:31
Dropped Luke nay because the manager seems not active and he is too fatigued to risk injury. Picked up a fifth forward instead.
The best Dm we had is gone from the scout list. Next series of matches will need fresh lineup. Anywho.....
in viktor
in Air FC