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Inglés >> Sugerencias


au davo >> viernes diciembre 4 - 22:59

Im not sure that allowing people to advertise players and to manage multiple teams constitutes anarchy. 

There is literally no detriment to the game for people to talk about the players that they wish to sell and it was something we used to be able to do anyway, with no issues.

As for having multiple teams, I really do not see the harm in it at all. I don't know of many games that actively seek to reduce participation in the game in this way. I have always believed that it would make the game much better. I would love to start a new team, but there is no way I am either quitting this team or paying for VIP3 for a game that seemingly has no prosepect of being developed.

au davo
il Numpty >> viernes diciembre 4 - 23:04, Editado viernes diciembre 4 - 23:09

Anarchy is this bit:

"why not abandon all the rules that are not encoded?

Part of Admin's job is to monitor and enforce the rules. So to abandon them without seeking Vincent's permission would be a breach of trust on their part.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
au davo >> viernes diciembre 4 - 23:18, Editado viernes diciembre 4 - 23:20

To be honest, I don't care if people manipulate the TM, or if it makes them feel better about themselves if they set up several teams in the same division so that they can manipulate the league. It does not really matter. I don't care if someone sacks their entire first team at the end of every day and reinstates them at the start of the next so that they can save wages. I don't care if someone sacks their GK  immediately before the NT shortlist comes out and reinstates them just after to prevent an incompetent NT manager from exhausting him before vital games. Good luck to anyone who can be bothered.

But I am happy to change 'abandon all' to 'relax some' of the rules. 

Why not seek Vincent's permission. He clearly is not interested in the game anymore.

au davo
il Numpty >> viernes diciembre 4 - 23:26, Editado viernes diciembre 4 - 23:30

I get that. The trouble is where do you draw the line?

You can make a case for relaxing some rules - although other may not agree. Some people decide they want to relax different rules which others want to keep. 

So which ones get relaxed and who gets to decide? 

If there is no arbiter then does everyone decide for themselves which rules they think they can break? If everyone relaxes different rules then we have no rules at all. 

The end result of that would be a free-for-all and chaos. And ultimately a cheaters charter. 

Asking Vincent would be fine, of course. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
bg mo >> sábado diciembre 5 - 00:47

and the problem with advertising players is what exactly?? after players cost much less than 33% of their current market value which you can offer if they are marked as ''not needed''?

bg mo
bg FC Smunck
cy MAKAROS >> sábado diciembre 5 - 13:46, Editado sábado diciembre 5 - 13:46

the administrator abandoned us and some here tell us about the anarchy the joke is nice!

you are so many people

of support!!!One partner can not talk to him and tell him our suggestions???

why so much indifference anymore in this game???

eng Dragontao >> jueves diciembre 10 - 15:18

I'm with Davo, and if people were to start just doing those things anyway en masse, banning them or sanctioning them would really help the game ...

... help it die on it's arse even more quickly than it is. 

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng holt >> viernes diciembre 11 - 17:21

@Makaros If the #SameTheGame thread could not evoke any sort of reaction from him, don't keep your hopes too high for anything/anyone else to do so.

eng holt
eng Dragontao >> sábado diciembre 12 - 12:35

Indifference? I'd say a lot of managers care about the game. The bugs/faults like player wages, healing costs erc are a serious cause for concern. 

The only indifference is from the game's lord and master.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
il Numpty >> sábado diciembre 12 - 13:05

I'd say it was more likely that he cares about the game, but is probably carelessly indifferent to the users who play it. 

In an unguarded comment on another game I played, the developer referred to the users as 'punters' - a somewhat derogatory term for customers.

It's looking increasingly likely that the game will be left to fester like Rocking Rackets.   

The question is why the lack of interest and can anything be done to facilitate a change?

Complaining doesn't work, and neither will mass anarchy. He needs to be encouraged to either return to the game or to sell it. Answers on a postcard please. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Dragontao >> sábado diciembre 12 - 20:43

I've posted many times in the past defending Vincent, I'll be critical where it's needed. There are a couple of things that could tackled without major changes to the match engine needed. Transfer values, wages and healing costs. Without seeing the mechanism behind it, the latter two being not much more than a tweek of a formula.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
pl MAT >> domingo diciembre 13 - 19:02

There is nothing worse than indifference.

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
eng Dragontao >> domingo diciembre 13 - 20:38


eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2