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Englanti >> Yleiset keskustelut

Next season game engine changes (32)

hu Zsone >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 15:50
Advance tactics,cards and red card penalty good change BUT to reduce the youth bonus is absolutely ridicoulus!I busted my *** for 3 seasons,selling a lot of players to have a youth center 7 lvl and that was my tactic for the future,a good young squad and now 33% reduced...can't belive frustrating...33% is a bloody lot...than reduce the maintance cost of youth center by 33% also because its not worth that much now!
hu Zsone
at schorny >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 15:56
Your Youth players aren't reduced in strength by 33%, their bonus is reduced by 33%.

For example your Player (Radosavljević) has 3.15 passing. Currently he gets 0 to 1.2 points in passing just because he is a youth player. Next season he will get 0 to 0.8 points in passing.

So not that big of a deal.
at schorny
tg Oogie Man >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 16:20
Zsone's idea was pretty good. If the youth bonus is taken down by 33% then why wouldn't the Youth Center price go down by a fraction as well. Not 33% because it's not actually decreasing your total usefulness of it. But it does decrease it from what the inital investment was supposed to return. I'd say 10-15%. The point isn't how much it decreases it schorny... the fact is that the users who in their first 3 season used the strategy of upgrading scouts office, playing old players, and leaving youth center low. Upgrading stadium to benefit from profits from wins instead of eating losses to play younger players, as I have, and upgrade youth center and training center instead of scout. Will be more behind the 8 ball now . Simple facts.
tg Oogie Man
hu Zsone >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 16:21
since in my starting 11 i play with 6-7 young U21 players always... it's a lot when you add all together
hu Zsone
sco Scotland1983 >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 17:30, Muokattu maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 17:36
most of all of my team is u21 with 18 out of my 23 players u21s and i will be getting lv 7 youth centre too combined with lv 5 training centre so i feel your pain i will just have to adapt and hope my young players improve fast i hope cost of youth centre for buying it and maintiaining it can go down a little to reflect the changes:(
sco Scotland1983
nl Vincent de Boer >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 18:15
These players won't be less valuable, they'll just be less strong while they are young. They will still grow up to be the exact same players as they would before the change. There's no reason to decrease the maintenance cost for the youth center, it will still be well worth the investment.
nl Vincent de Boer
sco Scotland1983 >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 18:27
ah ok thats clears it up thank you vincent:3
sco Scotland1983
hu MacikaG >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 18:41
If my youth players get 33% less bonus, they can't be never 5.8 stars (for example Nyilasi). I have no idea how the first seasons 3 star players become today 5 stars. They are "antitalented" (just over 2 balls or sg like that). Zsone has right, if bonus reduced, reduce the maintenance cost. But I think the youth bonus decrease is a bad idea.
Other modification is good, I like advanced tactics, maybe some day I can put one of my player to person pliers.
hu MacikaG
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
hu Zsone >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 19:52
The real problem here is that,that now its week 42 and i 10 days well start the new season with these new rules.These kind of rule changes should have been said at least 1 season earlyer because this affect the game,its about tactics.If i would have known that these rules will be introduced in season 4,than i would have probably not upgraded the youth center to level 7 for 2.4 million euros at the beginning of season 3 but i would have bought 3 world class players for that money and probably would have very good chance for even winning the league and maybe even something in europe...

Vinnie you say they wont be less valueble,will they have the same amount of silver stars and just less bonus in trainable features?
hu Zsone
nl Corniel >> maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 23:37, Muokattu maanantai heinäkuu 1 - 23:38
@Zsone: take a deep breath, relax, read again, and think.

As you should know: the star-value is based on a combination of fixed and trainable skills. That is not going to change. When a player is U21, on top of that, he gets a bonus. It is just that temporary bonus that is reduced.

This change will hardly change anyones tactics. In the long run, your strategy is still a great one.

N.B. You could not have bought 3 world class players for that money. There is sold only one so far (to Cambuur) and cost 2.8 million Euro.

And If you have doubts: just sell Bora Radosavljević. I be willing to pay 500.000 Euro for him still. ;)
nl Corniel
br gandula >> tiistai heinäkuu 2 - 00:01
I agree with Zsone, the change is needed but we should have known this before, as he said the season is in the end and we have no time to prepare for it. In my case, my entire team is U-21 and I had plans to reach a nice spot next season, now it's not possible anymore.
br gandula
ar Gabrielorco >> tiistai heinäkuu 2 - 00:06, Muokattu tiistai heinäkuu 2 - 00:26
"(The silver) stars are calculated based on the trainable skills, speed, power and position experience." That won't change.

"The (youth) bonus consists of a boost to the speed, power, blocking, dueling, passing and scoring skills. Tactics is not boosted." That bonus "will be reduced with approximately 33%."

When yo look at a youth player plage, you now see: "This player is under 21. This means that in a match he can get a random bonus of up to X balls on his speed, power, blocking, dueling, passing and scoring skills".

Remember: "The dark grey star value represents the value your player would have if he were to receive the maximum bonus during a match."

So, next season you will see: "This player is under 21. This means that in a match he can get a random bonus of up to (X x 67)/100 balls on his speed, power, blocking, dueling, passing and scoring skills". Because of that, the maximum bonus will be lower and of course, you will see less dark grey star.

When they grow up and they are over 21, the bonus will disappear completely and the player will be displayed as it is. He won't have lost value.

This measure doesn't affect too much players who are 20-21 years old (they usually have a bonus of less than 0.5 balls), but it will influende a lot 17 years old players that may have more than 1.5 balls ... . This kind of high bonus can make a youth illogically stronger than other players.


I don't think that 27 years old players begin to get worse at that age. What happens is that they stop growing, but they remain at the same level until after 30 where they begin to lose their level.
Now training complexes are low enough to maintain at a good level players aged 25 or older. When we have higher training complex, we can continue to train older players without much trouble.
In addition, U21 players that are coming out are much better than the first players, so they grow faster and that may seem that the other decreases their level, but it's not truth. I haven't seen any player who has lost stars from one season to another.
ar Gabrielorco
tg Oogie Man >> tiistai heinäkuu 2 - 00:16
Gabrielorco as i once heard in a movie called Finding Forester, You the man now DAWG! You cleared up what was mud to right as rain. The part wher u pointed out " X balls on speed...etc." I get what you are saying now.

That does sound like a very good change i guess i just haven't seen someone that good yet because not too many ppl in Africa have good 15 year olds. So I haven't seen anyone with a bonus that is outrageously high. Thanks to everyone for clearing this up for me.
tg Oogie Man
au Mr Legs >> tiistai heinäkuu 2 - 04:03
I'm not too concerned about the youth changes & yes my squad is almost entirely made up of talented kids. It will reduce the effect of some of the younger kids, but not many of the younger ones make it into my squad anyway. Looking at my best players, the max bonus will reduce from 1 ball to .67 ball - they will still be great players. It won't change how I recruit or how I play the game & level 7 youth is still next building on my list to build.

I'm more concerned with the change to the scoring engine, without it being properly tested. Will this change mean that luck will play a bigger factor in the results? Could strong teams be regularly beaten, as the opponents get 1 lucky goal in a close match? Could this significantly change the league standings over a season?

I'm also still concerned about the size of the home advantage & will this need to be modified by the change to the scoring. Will the change in scoring make it almost impossible for a strong team to win away, or will it have the opposite effect and negate the home advantage?
au Mr Legs
nl Vincent de Boer >> tiistai heinäkuu 2 - 07:06
It's not like it will suddenly become impossible to score, it's just too easy now compared to real match results. We'll be conservative in the changes we make.
nl Vincent de Boer