Foorumi: Englanti rss-feed

Täällä keskustellaan yleisesti pelistä, kielenä englanti. Kun kirjoitat foorumille, sinun tulee käyttää tätä kieltä. Toisella kielellä kirjoitetut postaukset poistetaan ilman varoitusta. Tässä foorumissa on alaosastoja eri aiheille ja tarkoituksille. Ole hyvä ja raportoi pelissä esiintyvät bugit niille tarkoitetulle foorumille. Ja mieti hetki mihin aihealueeseen kirjoitat.

Englanti >> Yleiset keskustelut

Not Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (9337)

eng Stephen >> sunnuntai syyskuu 15 - 06:36, Muokattu sunnuntai syyskuu 15 - 06:37

@Monk They can't be loaned with too much experience. But selling is fine. Only 5000 is retained for buyer to spend though. The rest is lost.

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> sunnuntai syyskuu 15 - 09:52

Yes, exactly like Stephen says.

An update on the player.

He was promoted at age 13 from a YA5 with some useful specials. He got sold a few seasons later for around $50 million. His trained stats are probably around 1/3 of his accumulated xp and in my opinion his prospects are now similar to an older YA3 player.   

With more training he surely would have been worth at least 3 times that price. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Ar4ers >> sunnuntai syyskuu 29 - 15:41

Fantastic to win European Champions League for the first time. Hard work finally pays off.

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
eng Monk >> maanantai syyskuu 30 - 10:18

Congratulations Ar4ers. An incredible achievement. Looking at your team, you'll have every chance of winning more Champions Leagues in the coming 7 seasons. It's going to be a very glorious few seasons for Rigas Dinamo.

Every yang is followed by yin though. Your finances are alrady disastrous. In 7 seasons' time they will probably be irretrievable. Will you stay to rebuild the club or walk away having 'conquered the game'?

My own achievements are more modest, having won the English league for only the second time, but with the finances secure and the club's future looking rosy.

To be fair, the game is set up so that managers can run clubs how they like and you have broken no rules, so well done. It's just a bit frustrating for those of us who want to keep playing the game long term, knowing that we can't win the biggest prizes, not through a lack of ability, but rather through a lack of willingness to bankrupt a club.

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
il Numpty >> maanantai syyskuu 30 - 11:54

Strangely it follows on from other Latvian clubs that have done the same thing.

The combined debt is now at least $16 billion and probably a lot higher.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Ar4ers >> maanantai syyskuu 30 - 16:19

Debt is systems fault. 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
eng Monk >> maanantai syyskuu 30 - 18:29

Ar4ers. I totally agree and a lot of other people doing the same thing were beaten by you so well done, it's a tremendous achievement. Winning the champions league is not easy even with your club structuring. 

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
hr agent47 >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 06:12

With the team he has, "buy all the best players and bankrupt the club" MO, and the competition, it is pretty easy to win even CL.

hr agent47
hr Rofl Team
lv Ar4ers >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 06:20

I didnt buy, I raise them from 14 age.

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
il Numpty >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 09:35

* Reader added context * 

In point of fact Rigas bought every single player in the first team squad. Some were bought at age 14 but others weren't. Of the best 11 players the average age at purchase was probably around 18-20.

Ar4ers has a point in that he can't control the wages. So in that sense the debt is indeed the systems fault. It's a problem that needs to be fixed.

The difficulty with that is:

1.) It's a known problem and entirely predictable 

2.) When the expenses inevitably become unaffordable then you have a choice either to act sensibly or to press the self-destruct button and keep going.

3.) You face exactly the same choice when the money runs out and the facilities start getting demolished. Many would argue that constitutes 'club destruction'.

So it's a deliberate course of action that's been chosen at the outset and carried through regardless of the consequences.  

It seems to me that it's not a level playing field for the vast majority of managers who don't want to play this way. They have also spent years of effort only to see it undermined by a few clubs using this approach.  

I think all most people want is to see a fair game. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Eric_Cantonais >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 09:59

"a deliberate course of action that's been chosen at the outset and carried through regardless of the consequences.  

It seems to me that it's not a level playing field for the vast majority of managers who don't want to play this way. They have also spent years of effort only to see it undermined by a few clubs using this approach.  

I think all most people want is to see a fair game." 

Same could be told about playing 60yo goalkeepers. Yet some people didnt want to let go and even asked for financial compensation.

*wink-wink, nudge-nudge*

ru Eric_Cantonais
fr Le Feu Occulte
lv Ar4ers >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 16:01

Also interest 12% is not logical

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
lv Dainix >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 16:22

When i go on 4 season win streak  in Champions league, my club was go down -5 b, but now im go out from debt and now up already +1,6b

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
si TheKajtna >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 19:41

Are the 60 years old GKs still a thing?

si TheKajtna
si NK Sončne Toplice
by Andryvs >> tiistai lokakuu 1 - 20:13


Not anymore. Next logical step would be cancelation of managers who are Playing with minus in debt for seasons.

by Andryvs
by Prussians