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Englanti >> Tosielämän jalkapallo

The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

cn Loner >> lauantai maaliskuu 21 - 06:46

The Spring Festival is not a festival that needs to be held. It is the Chinese lunar New Year, which is held once a year, as the end of the old year and the beginning of the New Year. It's involved in everyone's thinking. People will go back to their parents for a reunion during the festival, or visit their relatives and friends. There will be a huge turnover of people at this time of year, which is inevitable. Because of the virus, many people have canceled the trip, including me. I have returned the ticket of the high-speed train, and I did not go to visit my parents more than one thousand kilometers away. I have not been home for the Spring Festival for two consecutive years.

cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5
lv Ar4ers >> lauantai maaliskuu 21 - 15:57

In West politicians said that 70% of Europe and USA population will be infected and there is nothing we can do about it

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
ee onuelver >> lauantai maaliskuu 21 - 21:52

In Estonia major source was Milano volley team who played on Saaremaa island euro matches and claimed they're clean. Some days after matches one of match visitors had birthday party near to Võru with 80 people and many people on both events were later diagnosed corona. Both counties are in top 3 infected areas with capital Tallinn where live 1/3 on Estonian population. All first cases in other counties were connected with Saaremaa or Võru crowds. Officially we have now over 300 DIAGNOSED cases but now only risk groups(80+ people and rescue service people like medicals) are really tested since this week. I think we have already thousands of infected but they are out of risk groups and are told to stay just home and get tested only if symptoms are serious enough to hospitalise. 

What the hell is point of counting these cases at all if everyone know that there is many non-diagnosed cases?? That number means nothing!!

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 00:31, Muokattu sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 00:48

I want to try and address the question about the estimated number of people that will eventually be infected.

When will the virus stop spreading?

Isolation and 'social distancing' is simply a delaying tactic which, if effective, will allow the number of cases to temporarily decrease, but it will still be circulating at a low level in the community and then it will bounce back when any controls get lifted and the population resume their normal behaviour.

It won't be stopped until a sufficient percentage of the population have immunity. Either

  1. through vaccination or
  2. those that have been infected and then recovered.

How many will need to have immunity for any disease to prevent it spreading? 

This is based on the reproduction number, R, which is the average number of secondary cases each case generates. If R is less than 1 then the number of cases decline and if R is greater than 1 then it continues to spread. When R is substantially less than 1 then some infections will still occur but it declines quickly.

In the case of COVID-19, Imperial College made an assumption based on the early growth-rate of the epidemic in Wuhan that R was 2.4 and on recovery from infection individuals are assumed to be immune. 

R is not a constant, but will vary with each country and community based on people's behaviour and social mixing. 

If, and it's a big if, the correct reproduction number, R, is 2.4 when there is no immunity, then when 60% of the population are immune the reproduction number drops to 0.96 and when 70% are immune then the number becomes 0.72. At this point it will decrease fairly rapidly with occasional local hot-spots.

So somewhere in the region of 70-80% immunity will be needed before the epidemic is stopped. 

This means that eventually around 70-80% of the population will either be infected or have been vaccinated. 

The only other option would be for a country and/or community to change their way of life permanently so that in that community R becomes a much smaller number than 2.4.  That seems pretty unlikely.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
cn Loner >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 07:12

The situation in China is rapidly improving, and according to the actions and statements of the government, China is giving more and more help to other countries. It is time for us to remain friendly and united and respond positively together. In the case of Italy, the shortage of health care is bad and the death rate is high. The situation in Europe is urgent.

cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5
lv Ar4ers >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 08:59

Looks like second wave in China

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
es Carrasco >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 10:47

China has no new local cases. The current major increase is brought by people entering China. And unfortunately, someone has been infected by external input. But generally speaking, it is still under control.

es Carrasco
uy Awful >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 11:44

gr8 pranks

Floridas first case -


uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
nl Losing >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 11:59

Weird to see adults be that childish and irresponsible.

nl Losing
es Carrasco >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 13:06

@ELCHIDI Hope you are OK and get well soon.


Marouane Fellaini has been tested positive either, but unfortunately after he arrived in Shanghai, before arriving his football club in Shandong , he lived in a hotel,took a taxi and high-speed rail. It is unclear whether anyone was infected by him.

es Carrasco
lv Ar4ers >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 13:40

I had strange virus two weeks ago, little fever, burning feeling in throat, neck, cough with pain, but not dry. But I didn't had money for test,  so I don't know if it was corona or other 

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
ru Ebitimi >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 14:50

@ elchidi hope you are OK ??? It's best to allow the medical specialist do their job. Not herbal self medication. Cause the virus might become latent in you but may later become active.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
uy Awful >> sunnuntai maaliskuu 22 - 14:55

China is doing great job helping out Iran and many others !  Nice to see .

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC

@elchidi this is no joking matter. Nothing like Africa, we are all the same,

  • You were tested positive and didn't go to hospital.

Like I said before if this thing arrive in my country, the infected will always do the negative thing's that will spread the virus. hopefully all I hear is rumours.