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Englanti >> Yleiset keskustelut

Getting Rich In The Game (196)

ua Good bye >> torstai tammikuu 7 - 01:05


Oh...sorry mate was that a YC 6

I didn't know

ua Good bye
Youth center not Youth academy i don't blame your mistake anyway.
il Numpty >> torstai tammikuu 7 - 10:16, Muokattu torstai tammikuu 7 - 10:16

The post has been deleted now, probably to hide his embarrassment. 

But the irony was saying the manager must be confused, was using insane tactics and must be broke. 

Whereas the reality is he's a very good manager. That's what was so very amusing. :)

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> torstai tammikuu 7 - 22:02


Yes the manager was a good one.

He know what his doing, I was really mistaken there at first.

ua Good bye
ua Good bye >> maanantai tammikuu 11 - 23:06, Muokattu maanantai tammikuu 11 - 23:08

Hello guys, it never came to my notice till today about assigning two staffs to stadium or Catering

What are the reall  benefit towards this ?? 

Is it worth it ??

Is there any advantages nor disadvantages in it ??

ua Good bye
il Numpty >> tiistai tammikuu 12 - 00:42, Muokattu tiistai tammikuu 12 - 00:54

@Richie, you can assign 2 staff to any of the facilities so it depends on what you want to achieve and what stage of development the club is at.  

  • Construction - Speed up your building work
  • Training Academy - Faster training
  • Youth Academy - Better youths
  • Fan shop - Faster popularity growth
  • Catering - More income
  • Stadium - Greater attendances - more income
  • Museum - Greater museum income and building speed

Although some managers do double staff the Stadium for more income in my view that's a bit short-sighted. It's better to choose either Fan shop or Catering for income. Fanshop gives attendance growth so is better in the long term and Catering gives much better income in the short term. 

The only disadvantage is you can only benefit from one facility being double-staffed. 

Choose what you consider is the most important for you at this stage. 

My own approach when building the club was to start with 2 Construction Managers during the Starters' bonus and for a few season afterwards to build as quickly as possible.  After that I swapped to 2 in the Fanshop for Popularity growth and fairly recently I have double-staffed Catering for greater income. 

There's no right or wrong method, but most high level clubs put 2 staff in one of the Academies. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> tiistai tammikuu 12 - 00:57



Assigning two staff at the stadium will make me to sell lots of tickets plus attendance, please doesn't it mean that if I didn't attend my home games can the double staff at my stadium help to fill up my stadium seats to 120k attendance without my presence ??

ua Good bye
il Numpty >> tiistai tammikuu 12 - 01:07, Muokattu tiistai tammikuu 12 - 01:23

With your popularity of 6.5 million you should probably be filling your Stadium against bots even without turning up. 

So double-staffing the Stadium would be pointless. If your want more money then put 2 staff in Catering. 

To explain this another way.

A second staff (L10) in the Stadium will increase your attendance (and therefore income) by 2,000 if you sell your tickets plus 15%. So you would get another 17% on a normal attendance of 100,000 - but that's a maximum as any increase is limited by your stadium capacity. If it's full anyway then more stadium staff gets you nothing. 

A second staff (L10) in Catering would increase your total Stadium income by around 37%. Much better.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> tiistai tammikuu 12 - 09:08, Muokattu tiistai tammikuu 12 - 10:06


Please don't mistake yourself that having a 6million plus popularity will always get my match attendance to 120k if I have stadium level 10 without me not attending it.

I am likely not get my full attendance if I don't watch my home games.

Okay at my today's game I have an attendance of 120k

Ticket income 84 000 000$

Catering income 52 914 305$

How can you do the calculations then ???

ua Good bye
il Numpty >> tiistai tammikuu 12 - 11:19, Muokattu tiistai tammikuu 12 - 11:23

In your two recent unattended matches you got a little over 114,000 with stadium level 4 staff. If he was Level 9 or 10 you would have filled it. 

If you went for a short term 'fix' of another staff in the stadium, then at best you will improve attendance by around 5% to 120,000 - and only if you don't turn up. 

If you employ another catering staff then even level 1 staff would increase your catering income by 38%. If you started with level 5 (say) then catering income would increase by 70% - and eventually level 10 staff will get you an extra 110%.  You will get this in every match.

This is far far more than any extra 5% of total match income you would get with stadium staff in the matches that you don't watch .

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> keskiviikko tammikuu 13 - 07:04

Wow.....thus is absolutely great.

You are a good counselor, thank you so much.

After the upgrade of my FNSP i will quickly upgrade the museum till I have the enough money to start the office, then I will assign two staffs to the catering.

With this I can be able to get enough money into my team.

ua Good bye
ua Good bye >> keskiviikko tammikuu 13 - 07:05

But what can you say about two staffs at the museum, will it generate much money too


ua Good bye
il Numpty >> keskiviikko tammikuu 13 - 08:42, Muokattu keskiviikko tammikuu 13 - 08:46

That depends entirely on the museum level. At low levels the income from the museum is small. With one L10 staff you need to get to around level 38 just to cover the cost of his wages. 

But at very high levels the income from the museum is substantial.  You could eventually get to the point where the extra income from 2 museum staff would be better than having 2 catering staff. 

However, this would take a very long time and it's too much effort to work it out exactly. As a very rough guide if you employed a construction manager and 1 museum staff building the museum full time it would take you more than 12 years in real time. So reallistically the answer is no, it's not worth having 2 museum staff for extra income. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Namejs >> keskiviikko tammikuu 13 - 13:04

Whenever You are building keep 2 construction masters. Whatever facility You build it is better to have 2 CM to fasten the building proccess. Expect of musuem of course.

lv Namejs
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri