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Anglais >> Discussion générale

defender reformed to midfielder but still listed as defender (13)

vu Amun-Ra >> mardi juin 4 - 23:21, Modifié mardi juin 4 - 23:30
Ive trained a midfielder to defender position, and he became a defender. But I also trained a defender to become a midfielder... But he still is a defender. Even after having played a few games on the midfield.

Please have a look, his exp on the midfield is higher than his exp in the defence.

edit; sorry, I really thought I posted this in the bugs topic.
vu Amun-Ra
au Nelson >> mardi juin 4 - 23:41
its not a bug, when his passing skill is more than dueling, he will definitely become a midfielder.
au Nelson
vu Amun-Ra >> mardi juin 4 - 23:57
and what if I want his duelling to be high?

I wanted to turn him into my DMC...
vu Amun-Ra
au Nelson >> mercredi juin 5 - 00:14
now his dueling is 2.49, for his level, its already very high enough. U just need to train some passing and his will be a nice DMC.
au Nelson
hu MacikaG >> mercredi juin 5 - 08:48
Yes, train him for passing and played him as a midfielder all the time. /But he is only 2 stars, so he never became a real strong player./
hu MacikaG
Administrateur de communauté
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
vu Amun-Ra >> mercredi juin 5 - 11:45
Dude, ive been playing for 2months. Im happy with a team full of 2star players. Were also playing in 3rd, so cut me some slack. Its no world player but he is my best dmc... And U21 so he can stillake progression. His value will be dohbled once hes a midfielder. By the end of the season im planning to sell him for at least 100k profit.

And I dont like to field him on the midfield because he gets a penalty. Hes playing u21matches on that position but no league matches for him
vu Amun-Ra
nl Balladeer >> mercredi juin 5 - 12:53
Hi Pepe!
There is a little confusion here: a player is named 'midfielder' or 'defender', but that does not necessarily mean he plays best on that position.
A player will get the label 'defender' if dueling is his highest trainable skill and he will only become a 'midfielder' if passing is his highest trainable skill.
That does not mean you can not employ them as midfielder and he might even do better as midfielder because his midfield experience is higher. But his position tag will remain 'defender' until passing is his highest skill.

The way I see it you have no problem, you can just place him on the midfield, even though his label indicates otherwise.

Hope this helps!
nl Balladeer
vu Amun-Ra >> mercredi juin 5 - 12:57
the thing is, when going to the match analysis and he is fielded as a midfielder, he shows only 1.5 stars. so I guess he gets penalised on that position. :(
vu Amun-Ra
nl Balladeer >> mercredi juin 5 - 13:02
That seems strange to me, the position name shouldn't influence the amount of skill a player has in a match. Can an admin help us out here? :-)
nl Balladeer
sk mat4 >> mercredi juin 5 - 13:54
I asked that once and was told that this is the value of the player on the given position. It does not effect how he will play there he still uses all his skills but the system thinks he is only a 1.5 star midfielder.
sk mat4
vu Amun-Ra >> mercredi juin 5 - 16:17
ibe considered that, but if hes only worthed 1,5 stars, then why is this,player worthed 2?

their skills are more or less the same except the ome player gpt 2balls on scoring, but my dc/dmc got more speed, and more balls in general (16 balls vs 18 balls), not taking talent into consideration. (he also is more talented and younger)

1.5 balls seems very little to me
vu Amun-Ra
cn protein >> mercredi juin 12 - 07:28
Usually when you increase the main skill for the position for several times he may become a defender. If not, keep improving his position experience as well as the main skill (deuling).

However, it's not only his main skill (passing/dueling in this case) that determines if he's a midfielder or defender, it's also related to his position experience. From what I have experienced, if you want to re-train a defender to a midfielder, sometimes even the passing is higher than dueling it's still possible he's a midfielder.

My suggestion is that you can keep improving his passing skill, and if you don't want to put him as a midfielder now on the field, maybe you can do 1-2 times position training on him in your training complexe. This way he will become a midfielder very soon.

Referenced link:

"For each type of player there is a different formula. In the formula for defenders, dueling and defender experience have the highest value, for keepers blocking and keeper experience etc.

A player is called a "defender" if his value as defender is higher than his values on other positions."
cn protein
vu Amun-Ra >> mercredi juin 19 - 13:53
I trained his midfield again and now hes changed to midfielder position :)
vu Amun-Ra