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Englanti >> Kysymykset

Youth Centre Limits (4)

il Numpty >> tiistai lokakuu 22 - 10:41

Does anyone know if there's any restriction on how long youth players can remain in the youth centre?

I've looked at the Help, but can't find anything.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> tiistai lokakuu 22 - 11:35

A figure pops in my head saying 20 days.

Can´t remember from when.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
us Joey >> tiistai lokakuu 22 - 11:49

If I'm not mistaken it's a month (30 days).

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK
il Numpty >> tiistai lokakuu 22 - 12:09, Muokattu tiistai lokakuu 22 - 13:07

Thanks for the answers gents. 

I've just found this thread from 2017: 

Orauw says he lost his player after 30 days. He had 5 players, so perhaps that could also be a factor. If that's the case then this should be explained in the Help. 


It does seem to me that this is an unnecessary restriction. In real life most clubs have a youth development programme where young players are coached before becoming part of the reserve squad.

Perhaps youth players should be able to remain in the youth centre/academy until they at least turn 18. Normally it would be advantageous to 'promote' them so they get xp for matches, but if they can stay until they are 18 then this would be optional. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets