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Lukittu Cardif City/Liverpool City game to win the title.. (74)

ng Sonic >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 21:49
@Leo u are right, on d contrary i'll just watch and enjoy as u continue to make a nuisance of urself/selves..
#all against two/one.
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
il SIR LEO >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 21:52
Just leave this forum !!
il SIR LEO >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 21:56
Kezza you failed to understand that many managers hates you and can do any thing to plot your down dont be fooled by those people you think are with you . As my brother said they are green snake in a green grass. I rest my case thank You.
eng Monk >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 22:01
Whilst I am being mentioned, I will say my piece. Having fielded a full strength team today I cemented Birmingham Hunter into the relegation play offs, beating them 2-0. Nobody ever has had an easy three points vs the Daoists, nor, as long as I am manager will they ever. Good luck to Birmingham Hunter in the play offs and congratulations to Lancashire for staying up, but it is of no consequence to me which way around it is. Nor was it which team won the league, although I was interested to see.

I have not, nor will ever be groomed. I simply do not have enough hair for that to be possible.

I would like to offer my congratulations to Liverpool, but I cannot. He may or may not be involved in match fixing, but Cardiff City's manager certainly was. It does go to show that RS's attempts to stop match fixing have failed. Such a scoreline between top teams simply does not happen. This is clear and undeniable cheating.

If Rocking Soccer is to continue as a viable and trustworthy game then action must be swift and hard enough, not to make those who are the victims feel better, for that should not be the point of a punishment. The point of any sanction should be to stop the cheat and any other potential cheaters from doing this again in the future. If it recurs then the punishment has failed, presumably because it was not hard enough.

Off the top of my head I suggest that:
1) The match is replayed with admins taking control and setting up Cardiff's team.
2) Cardiff are removed from their European Qualification spot and it is reallocated.
3) Cardiff City are automatically relegated to league 2.
4) Cardiff City's manager is banned from the game for a minimum of one season or permanently.
5) Cardiff City are given a 20 point ban for the start of next season (otherwise another of his mates can take on the team, bring it back up and do the same again). The club needs limiting in a way that it needs patient rebuilding over time by a proper manager.

I won the league title on another football game (which shall not be named :-) ) because of some dodgy results and (hopefully Deca can verify this) I asked for the result to be reversed which was denied by admins. I asked my fellow players to record the football title winners as another team to mine. I believe Deca's comment was that I was the first manager to win a title and then to hand it back saying that I didn't want it. I left that game the following season. I await Liverpool's manager's response, but not with much hope.

As for my own future I will not play in a league where matches are fixed. There is simply no point. I may leave the game or may move to another, more trustworthy league. I ask that RS acts quickly as I need to decide where I'm playing next season.

I await an official response and I think we all need a strong response very quickly.
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
eng Kezza >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 22:02, Muokattu torstai lokakuu 13 - 22:08

hmm that is a very interesting comment.. so you think Cardiff manager is plotting my downfall? But that is ok right.. because according to you cheating is ok and this should be allowed?

You know a lot about the Cardiff manager?

@Monk Ignore all the BS from Farad/Leo the Liverpool manager posted in the Frustration forum that it was unfair and he was prepared to give back the title, but a part of me still wonders how today's result could happen without him playing a part.. it was just too convenient.. although I may be completely wrong of course
eng Kezza
ng Sonic >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 22:09, Muokattu perjantai lokakuu 14 - 01:44
"I have not, nor will ever be groomed. I
simply do not have enough hair for that
to be possible"

U just love cracking my ribs with ur posts.

this was a serious thread where managers were discussing about sth very important and obvious until some kids meddled in it..well a kid will always have the mentality of a kid

ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
eng Kezza >> torstai lokakuu 13 - 22:13, Muokattu torstai lokakuu 13 - 22:26

I think your right.. edited :)
eng Kezza
ng Sonic >> perjantai lokakuu 14 - 01:40
Sorry I picked up that part cuz it makes me laugh, I should have arranged my sentence better.
The other part was referring to those spoilt brats
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
pl Anomander >> perjantai lokakuu 14 - 05:31
To me it clearly looks like the match was lost on purpose.

We will discuss this case internally - for now I will close this topic, because it looks like you guys are already pushing the boundaries here with what's allowed to be said about fellow managers.
pl Anomander
pl Anomander >> perjantai lokakuu 14 - 08:45
We decided that the match indeed was fixed and both of the managers have been punished.

Also, we've removed the points gained from the match and thanks to this Strood City rightfully is the champion for this season.
pl Anomander