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Season 39 (114)

jp Natsumi >> sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 16:06

No longer top and no longer scoring goals the ineditable dip in form has begone where we'll end up by end of the season no one knows, only thing is certain this 2nd place spot is not ours to keep. (quote from a morbid Manger Natsumi)

jp Natsumi
eng Stephen >> sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 19:29

One goal so far, despite countless shots. Denis should buy a lottery ticket after tonight’s win. Ridiculously lopsided. I am getting close to quitting after what is now a season of failing to score goals despite having better players than the clowns that score against me. FFS

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
jp Natsumi >> sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 20:53, Muokattu sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 20:59

Feel your pain Stephen almost five years of hurt now, never gonna win the league, and probably never gonna close the gap, aside from few odd results we always gonna be condemned to bottom half of table obsecurity, with the new facilities now the gap is only gonna widen between the top teams with best stuff and the not quite there yet teams, only saving grace is about 80% of the players are worse off then us.

As for Spirit Squad despite our start it's actually quite dire, the team itself is very old and not valueable, could drop all the oldies and go for broke with a youth squad but we'll likely go down a few leagues then someything we might not recover, I'm stuck in same  sernario been stuck in for past 10 seasons, either buy new players and stay up remain barely competitive in the league, not have any fundings for upgrading facilities, or don't buy players, get those faciliities up to beyond there limits but suffer hugely in the league as a result. 

Turning Bolton Wanderers into Manchester United is just I'm afriad a impossible feat and I am assuming that lack of sucess in the upper devision will likely sap away our spirit and love of the game.. 

That's how I feel alteast, that said not ready to quit yet still got another years worth of moanign and groaning atleast :P


Not quite the same pain but pain's pain right?

jp Natsumi
eng antboy18 >> sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 21:26

Stephen - maybe the match engine is getting our teams confused? Normally I'm much closer to to second bottom than second at this stage of the season!

eng antboy18
eng Stephen >> sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 21:35, Muokattu sunnuntai heinäkuu 15 - 21:36

@Natsumi - thanks for the pep talk! Just frustrated tonight. At some point, just by the law of averages, you’d think that my team would have to find he net... The scout predicts wins and draws and then losses turn up, which is the most frustrating part.

Lol, Antboy. You might be right!

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
ca denisgrad >> maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 01:06

@Stephen Honestly I almost choked when I saw that I won. I just... I just dont understand whats happening in RockingSoccer anymore. I beat Universitaet Kassel and your team even though my scout predicted losses and draws. THEN I LOSE POINTS WHERE I SHOULD OF WON 100%. 

I have a lot of sympathy for you. The form you're in just makes no sense what so ever.

ca denisgrad
eng Dragontao >> maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 07:21, Muokattu maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 07:21

I really have given up trying. What's the point.

I don't mind losing matches if I can see where it's going wrong. In this game there's no ryhme nor reason to it. It is a waste of time putting effort in, be it putting in ages trying to find players in the transfer market and having them go somewhere else, scouting matches and having the match engine deliver the least likely outcome.

1 win from 26 or 27 games (I've lost count), team can't score. Attempts to solve the problem in the transfer market have met with not being able to improve the team because you never win a bid (no skill involved, you're at the mercy of the randomness of the market). So t's dumb luck if you can improve your team or not.

No clue about tactics, when you can go half a season doing quite well and then get a complete reversal with no apparent reason why, with the match engine screwing you over at every opportunity and nothing you try (and I tried a fair amount of tweeks) seems to affect it. So you don't know if it was anything you were doing right in the first place or if it was dumb luck.

I've managed 1 goal from 37 shots, my opponents have managed 1 goal from 16 shots so far this season. That will no doubt change soon as I'm for youth over experience.

There will either be a mass sacking soon (as the game won't let me play my youngsters otherwise) or I may hold on until the transfer window and flog them.

For me, the game is not fun anymore and I've lost interest in it. Watching paint dry would be less of a waste of time and probably far more reqarding (and I can get paint cheaper than VIP credits too).

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng Deca >> maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 16:26

It's just a game guys sealed win, lose, up or down, still fun, I don't think any of you have anything to complain about when compared to my current situation sealed. I'd be happy with 1 win LOL

Enjoy the game



eng Deca
eng Aston Villains
eng Dragontao >> maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 17:54, Muokattu maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 17:55

lol, yes Deca, but most games I at least have a clue how to play.

Take today. I play my weakest line up of the season, starting with 9 honegrown players. Straight 3 in midfield, no DM. I don't bother with a match plan.

Guess what, we go into the break with an undeserved 2-0 lead. Scoring 2 from our 4 shots.

I sub on three better players for the second half and the team are worse for it, but hold on for a 2-0 win.

I don't have a clue what I'm doing. That is the frustrating part.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
jp Natsumi >> maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 19:46

I play at least one youth every game now though that's largely because I only have three midfielders think I probably have the smallest team in the league, reverse/back up players? None and none

jp Natsumi
eng Samuel >> maanantai heinäkuu 16 - 22:56


A certain defeat againts the best team in the league and yet we not only manage a 2-2 draw, the game could have even gone our way.

A great unbeaten start to League 3.

eng Samuel
eng Stephen >> tiistai heinäkuu 17 - 19:45

Scoring goals? Two wins in a day? Football gods be praised!

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
eng antboy18 >> tiistai heinäkuu 17 - 21:26

After watching what has happened to The Footballing Dead, I'd quite like it if my team didn't use up all of their goals in the first half of the season...

eng antboy18
eng Dragontao >> keskiviikko heinäkuu 18 - 12:45, Muokattu keskiviikko heinäkuu 18 - 12:46

I hope you've used them up already! (hmm, I wonder who I'm playing tonight)

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ca denisgrad >> keskiviikko heinäkuu 18 - 16:28

Wow I won with my backup goalkeeper who is 7.35 stars after my main goalkeeper got injured. It took Nathan Allender 12 shots to finally score I swear he's driving me crazy. 

ca denisgrad