Maan Italia liiga kausi 3 [5.1]

Foorumi: Sarjafoorumi rss-feed

Keskustele sarjastasi. Ketkä ovat suosikkeja voittamaan sarjan? Ketä nousee/putoaa, miten cupissa menee?

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Ticket for Sales! (1)

ly Ciclone >> perjantai heinäkuu 26 - 15:23, Muokattu maanantai elokuu 12 - 12:16
I'm selling my tickets! Buy it,please :)
Lunedì agosto 12 - 16:44

Herta Casino vs. AFC Fanfaras
we're preparing ourself for this game that will be difficult from all point of view.
we're preparing ourself for this game that will be difficult from all point of view.
we're preparing ourself for this game that will be difficult from all point of view.
ly Ciclone