Maan Yhdysvallat liiga kausi 32

Foorumi: Sarjafoorumi rss-feed

Keskustele sarjastasi. Ketkä ovat suosikkeja voittamaan sarjan? Ketä nousee/putoaa, miten cupissa menee?

Palaa foorumin etusivulle

Season 17 (48)

us jpeso >> sunnuntai heinäkuu 12 - 19:35, Muokattu tiistai heinäkuu 14 - 03:07
I know some mod/admin will say you discuss that not here but with an admin over an iced tea at the club. But I m not complaining about an admin its the entire system that seems entrenched in network security ideology rather than a real world one that I have a problem with.

I would not have a problem with the way it works if only sellers were whining or only buyers were. But based on the forums, the buyers are also having a problems getting players. (for instance if after 25-30 managers spend credits bidding on a player he says he is not leaving, it makes no sense. Its not like the seller cannot fire him without paying a dime. So why would you as a player refuse to leave? )
us jpeso
us Richmond
us karl1962 >> maanantai heinäkuu 13 - 17:29
I think they should give us full market value if you list a guy for the lowest price and they don't sell. They're the ones that came up with the market value.
us karl1962
us Rocky Mountain Huskies
us Ulysses >> maanantai heinäkuu 13 - 22:54, Muokattu maanantai heinäkuu 13 - 22:59
I have a level 10 scout's office. I can see players from all 10 regions. I can sort by the following criteria:

1) Transfertype
2) Deadline
3) Min. asking price
4) Max. asking price
5) Min. weekly Wage
6) Max. weekly wage
7) Min. Age
8) Max. Age
9) Min. Value
10) Max. Value
11) Position
12) Flank
13) Special Attribute
14) Trainable Feature with min. and max. (including all 5)
15) Fixed Features with min. and max. (including all 4)
16) Nationality

The one thing I wish would be changed would be to increase some of the maximum and minimum possible numbers. I would like to sort for 10+* players, 6+ talent players, players only under 17, etc.

I don't like the cancelled transfer either, though I've been lucky enough never to have a problem with them yet. I especially don't like it when players cancel transactions and have posted a suggestion in the past to drop the feature (this is a case where the value of realism is outweighed by a negative impact to the game with no additional comparable benefit).
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC