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Anglais >> Discussion générale

Supertalents (2334)

il Numpty >> mercredi septembre 29 - 07:51

Wow! What an amazing talent. 

But @Davo's right he'll become unaffordable very quickly and it's unlikely he'll get much past 21, and probably before he's good enough to be a great player. 

It's a shame but the best thing for the club is to sell him ASAP as there will probably be a few people crazy enough to buy him.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng ipfreely >> mercredi septembre 29 - 09:05

Yeah a few might want to own the highest talent in RS before firing him :-(

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
The truth is that you are hundred of million richer, but if you don't, bankrupt is the code...
This player needs to train in training center level 5 for a while to save his career.
ee Taavi >> mercredi septembre 29 - 10:46

Just destroy ur FA and then build it back later :D

ee Taavi
Administrateur de communauté
ee FC Pusa
hr agent47 >> mercredi septembre 29 - 13:43

Wow, just wow...

I'm with Taavi :D  

hr agent47
hr Rofl Team
ee onuelver >> mercredi septembre 29 - 14:06

Another chance- sell him to legendary dj speed and he will not reach to blackstar. Biggest problem is that probably dj speed has no 100M money...

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
eng Stephen >> mercredi septembre 29 - 15:04

Best ever talent in the game? Must be right up there, if not.

eng Stephen
Administrateur principal
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> mercredi septembre 29 - 15:26

Maybe @Jumper should buy him. 

He'll damage the club when he eventually leaves anyway, so may as well bankrupt them at the same time. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Taavi >> mercredi septembre 29 - 16:57

How long can u be bankrupt?

ee Taavi
Administrateur de communauté
ee FC Pusa
il Numpty >> mercredi septembre 29 - 17:04, Modifié mercredi septembre 29 - 17:05

I don't think there's a limit on it @Taavi. 

If your balance is negative all that happens is you have to pay 12% interest so you just get more into debt. If you're in debt at the start of every season then you get 1 or more of the facilities downgraded. 

So ultimately if you stay bankrupt then you don't get sacked but you can't buy any players and you end up with poor facilities. Don't know if there's a lower limit to downgraded buildings though.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us cdowne >> mercredi septembre 29 - 18:54

So many options. It could be fun to have the best player in the game and put a club into financial ruin. If its good enough for Barcelona its good enough for me...

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
Make him a gk, buy top mid and fwd, win everything and get bankrupt.
Please don't even think of firing him.
Open a forum thread for him lets follow his development and rise in salary. He must play on.
us cdowne >> jeudi septembre 30 - 11:04

I will not fire him. I'll sell or go babkrupt before i fire  him. 

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
eng ipfreely >> jeudi septembre 30 - 15:07

Whatever you do, enjoy - at least he has a FA4 coming :-)

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
eng ipfreely >> jeudi septembre 30 - 15:13

@Stephen Innokenty Selyunin was 8.95 talent, as is this guy:

Pretty sure they're the 2 highest before this guy although cannot be certain.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers