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Favourite Music (154)

ca Jax >> mercredi novembre 25 - 06:43
@Zsone Big fan of your choices! I love all that stuff.

I grew up learning Rise Against and Bad Religion on the guitar. I played guitar in mainly punk and metal bands. Iron Maiden and Children of Bodom were two of my favorite Metal acts mainly for the guitarists.

I eventually switched to the bass and I became a little more laid back in my music choices. Muse is a band that I think is pretty awesome. Great vocals and they've got a great bassist. Very talented 3 piece.

now I'm really into alternative stuff that is probably not well known. Fitz and the tantrums, Hollerado, Metric, The Arkells.

Other stuff I go back and listen to once in awhile...

Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Dream Theatre, The Offspring, Rush, Bruno Mars and... sometimes Katy Perry... haha
ca Jax
hu Zsone >> mercredi novembre 25 - 06:49
I also play actually bass gitar,but it was long ago with some friends in a cold small garage:)

I started punkrock with offspring,green day,blink182,nofx,rancid but than moved to faster and more less commercial staff. Although now that i'm "older" sometimes it's again good to listen to some slower bands.
hu Zsone
ca Jax >> mercredi novembre 25 - 07:00
I completely forgot about Rancid! I love Rancid! I still really enjoy picking up the bass and rocking out with some of those bass lines.

"...And out comes the wolves" Is easily in my top 5 favorite albums of all time.
ca Jax
hu Zsone >> mercredi novembre 25 - 07:13
when i first listened to ...and out come the wolwes i was in love with that album but from rancid for me its Rancid 2000. Matt Freeman rules on bass...
hu Zsone
ua Garfman >> mercredi novembre 25 - 09:50
You rock, Zsone :-) I love all of those bands (older Green Day stuff, especially), and I would truly recommend giving a listen to The Living End. Amazing band from Oz. Their selftitled album is by far their best, in my opinion. I also had the privilege of watching them perform live, and their energy is amazing. Especially the skill of their singer/guitarist is bar none.
ua Garfman
Chef Administrateur de communauté
ph Garfman FC
hr Eddie >> mercredi novembre 25 - 09:54
I also like some of punk rock but mostly easier stuff like NoFX, Bad Religion, older albums of The Offspring.

As for other non-metal genres, I like System of a Down, Korn, first H.I.M. album, first Linkin park album, Nirvana.
hr Eddie
hu Zsone >> mercredi novembre 25 - 11:02
I will check them Garf for sure and now as i read Jaxs comments i realize i didn't wrote his Canadians,for me the best political lyrics is from them,Propagandhi.They are awesome!
hu Zsone
ua Garfman >> mercredi novembre 25 - 11:48
Good one, Propagandhi had some very nice songs as well :-) I particularly remember the song Ska Sucks. Hilarious :-D
ua Garfman
Chef Administrateur de communauté
ph Garfman FC
us Peter >> mercredi novembre 25 - 14:21
I feel strange with all you guys here. I only play piano...
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
hr Eddie >> mercredi novembre 25 - 14:28
I went to music school for piano as a kid but gave up after 2 years. Didn't like the rehearsals. :)

But I play my vocal cords.
hr Eddie
ua Garfman >> mercredi novembre 25 - 14:46
Why strange, Peter? Philip Glass has made some amazing pieces on piano, for one :-) I played keyboard myself, which is akin to piano :-)
ua Garfman
Chef Administrateur de communauté
ph Garfman FC
us Peter >> mercredi novembre 25 - 14:59
@Garfman, that's what I started learning on, my good old portable Casio keyboard :) I have Philip Glass's Glassworks on as we speak.

Other good pianists I like are Thelonious Monk, especially The London Collection; Jose Meer Perez, especially his album Pianoscapes; Dr. John; and Albert Ammons (I just wish some of his recordings were better quality).
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nz Luke Broadcast >> mercredi novembre 25 - 15:19
with so much musical talent here, vincent should make RockingViolin and then be inactive over 2 years
nz Luke Broadcast
ca Jax >> mercredi novembre 25 - 16:56
@Peter it takes much more skill to Play the Piano/Keyboard well. I may not be that into the Piano and people who play but I certainly have a lot of respect for those who do play.

@Garfman My best friend that I played in a band with for many years was obsessed with The Living End and Chris Cheney. I remember Cheney specifically always going for a beer bottle and playing a solo to one of their songs with it.

@Zsone I like a lot of Rancid's albums but Wolves has always stood the test of time for me. Their 2009 album Let the Dominoes Fall was really enjoyable for me as well.

A band that I throw in with Blink 182 and Green Day is (obviously to a lesser extent) Sum 41. They had 3-4 really decent albums before it started going downhill.

Not that I watch a ton of music videos but they most definitely made my favorite of all time... Check this out if you have a couple minutes lol. (The Hell Song- Sum 41)
ca Jax