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Anglais >> Football réel

Brain Teasers (58)

il Numpty >> dimanche janvier 1 - 20:01

Don't let siege know, Lee. I think he was one of the survivors ... 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Lee >> dimanche janvier 1 - 20:39

He's definitely speechless.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
il Numpty >> dimanche janvier 1 - 21:28

Must have been the shot of laudanum that I gave him. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng ipfreely >> lundi janvier 2 - 18:33


Bat: $1.05

Ball: $0.05

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
eng ipfreely >> lundi janvier 2 - 18:35

A circle of radius 1 contains a regular hexagon, whose 6 vertices touch the edge of the circle. That leaves 6 equal sectors (?) within the circle but outside the hexagon. What is the area of one of these 6 sectors (or whatever you call them)?

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> lundi janvier 2 - 19:05, Modifié lundi janvier 2 - 19:21

I thought I'd wait until we were on page 2 before answering the bat/ball question. 

  • "How much does the bat and the ball cost?"

My answer is the bat and the ball costs $1.10 

For @ipfreely's question the challenge for me was to try and do it my head. (I believe that the area ouside the hexagon is called a segment. Similar in shape to the pieces of an orange.)

The hexagon itself is made up of 6 equilateral triangles where the sides are equal to the radius of the circle (=1). Since there are 6 segments the area of one of them is the difference in total area between the 1/6 of the circle and one of the 6 triangles making up the hexagon. 

So I make that 

  • π/6  - 1/4 * √3

Without resorting to a calculator (using π and √3 from memory) that comes to roughly:  

  • 0.0906 ... not too sure about the last digit, as I don't have a very accurate memorisation of √3.
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ng siege >> lundi janvier 2 - 19:14


ng siege
tt siege is still here
eng ipfreely >> lundi janvier 2 - 19:51

@Numpty yes that sounds about right to me!

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
eng ipfreely >> lundi janvier 2 - 19:52

So is @siege resorting to ableist slurs now?

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> lundi janvier 2 - 19:57, Modifié lundi janvier 2 - 19:58

The really sad bit is memorising π and √3.

I remember the days before calculators and if you needed the square root of a number you needed to look it up in a book, called a log book. So for saving time it was useful to remember the more common ones, such as √2 and.√3. I had one teacher who even taught us a rhyme for √2 , "I wish I knew the root of 2", which is 1.414...

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ng siege >> lundi janvier 2 - 20:21

maths.. universal problem for humans.. 

hehehe am one of them who don't understand the damn thing

ng siege
tt siege is still here
il Numpty >> mardi janvier 3 - 02:01, Modifié mercredi janvier 4 - 10:30

Okay, maybe I'll start setting some puzzles as well. 

#1. "Make 25"

Using the numbers 2 4 6 and 8 (only once each) and any of the mathematical symbols + (plus) - (minus) * (times) / (divide) and left/right brackets (), produce an expression that equals 25. 

#2. "Raffle tickets"

Siege has ticket number 1, Pii has number 2, Taavi has 6, Onuelver has 55, Stockfish has 101, David has 1006, Alex Seymour has 1060. What ticket number does Vincent have? 

Bonus number(s): Nelson Mandela has 1600

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> mardi janvier 3 - 06:50

Damn there is so many different solutions when 2 might be used twice...

Vincent can have max. 1666 and there are some more ticket numbers available. If Vincent must be next in order after Alex it might be 1600. 

Well my math was mostly strong "3" as i didn't want to be nerd :D 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> mardi janvier 3 - 10:03, Modifié mardi janvier 3 - 10:07

Good effort @onuelver. 

In fact Nelson Mandela had 1600, which coincidentally is also the street number of the White House. As that's extra information I'll add it to the question. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> mardi janvier 3 - 15:29

So Lionel Messi has ticket number 1102?

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back