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Anglais >> Discussion générale

Fermé Intéressant Game changelog (91)

nl Vincent de Boer >> mercredi février 19 - 08:40
- when watching your own match, the 20% attendance bonus is added immediately. (It used to be shown only after refreshing the page).

- when visiting your match before kick-off time (this is possible a few minutes before it starts) the match will now automatically start without the need to reload the page.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> mercredi février 19 - 18:54
The Bosnian translation is completed
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> dimanche mars 30 - 15:14, Modifié dimanche mars 30 - 15:15
- The shortlist of NT's is made public on the overview page of the national teams.
- Special training options are shown also when a special training is in progress
- "Nationality" is added as an extra search option in the transfer list, starting from scout level 4.
- Loaned players return one day later, so they only return after the last day of the playoffs.
- The TOS were updated to included more examples of cheating. In the category "Cheating", item 3 was changed and 6 and 7 were added. Under "punishments for cheating", items 2 and 3 were added.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> jeudi avril 3 - 10:17
The algortihm for making shortlists was changed. The new algorthm better takes youth bonus into account and should be an improvement for small countries where very weak players could be added to the shortlist.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> mercredi avril 23 - 17:40
It is no longer possible to train players that are listed for transfer.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi avril 26 - 07:35
We now have translations to Swedish and Lithuanian
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi mai 17 - 18:30
Supercup and Youth Cup added
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi mai 17 - 18:30
Portuguese league set to 18 teams for next season (was 16).
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> lundi juin 23 - 10:39
The league match counter is no longer reset to 20 when a player moves to a new team during the season.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> lundi juillet 7 - 13:19
The U21 Champions Cup was added
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> jeudi juillet 24 - 12:01
Transfers now have an extra option what should happen when no bids are made.
- default: remove the player from the transfer list
- lower asking price: automatically put the player on the list again for 70% of the previous asking price
- sell to bank: The bank bids 25% of the market value, to a maximum of 1 million USD (so if you have a player worth 100 million, the bank still bids only 1 million).
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> jeudi juillet 24 - 13:51
Fair play with loaned players is now automatically enforced.

When a loaned player needs to play in 80% or more of the remaining league matches you have to select this player in the line-up. You also have to let loaned players play at least 45 minutes.

These restrictions are only for normal league matches.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> vendredi août 15 - 12:19
Creating line-ups now works also by clicking on a player and then clicking on a position.

An option was added under "account" to show the star and ball skills as numbers.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> vendredi août 15 - 14:38
We've added a waiting list for special training for VIP-users
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> mardi octobre 14 - 10:41
We've added a maximum to the experience that training a trainable skill can cost.

blocking is capped to 16.000 xp
scoring is capped to 14.000 xp
dueling, passing and tactics are capped to 13.000 xp

At the moment, only 5 players have a skill for which they paid more than these maximum values. They have been returned the experience points they paid too much so no one is negatively affected by this change.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement