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Anglais >> Discussion générale

Retirement of older players (443)

eng Dragontao >> jeudi mars 14 - 14:23, Modifié jeudi mars 14 - 14:33

For those of us like me, who have invested money in good but not great keepers, this is a real kick in the teeth.

Massively affects us and those who spent money in the past couple of seasons on these keepers, especially poorer teams, are badly affected.

It has been handled and implemented poorly.

I spent £68 million on a 39 year old keeper at the start of last season, money that is lost on a player who could randomly reture as soon as this is implemented.  No money to buy a decentvreplacement, so the prospect of playing a poor or youth keeper.

Those managers who have sold keepers for big money recently have also lucked in. Forcevery loser there's a winner.

When you've been treading water, just trying to stay afloat and this happens, you wonder why you bother.

I really don't think I can be bothered now.  That's it. I'm done.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
hr Kupus >> jeudi mars 14 - 14:41


In your case your GK´s are on the borderline of being called old so I can understand your frustration. For those having GK´s being 50+ I got less sympathy.

The most fair solution would be as you propose, some type of compensation of transfer fees for recent purchases or GK´s in the age between 40-45.

I personally don´t think the compensation should be 100% but it probably matters less as I don´t think the retirement design has or ever will have any such feature.

hr Kupus
Administrateur de communauté
de Regnum Croatorum
it fadiga23 >> jeudi mars 14 - 15:03


it fadiga23
sm L U Pepin
eng Lee >> jeudi mars 14 - 15:16

I welcome this change as it's ridiculous how many superstar goalkeepers there are aged 50+ (but I'm also not a manager who has benefitted from this glitch in the matrix).

Once the retirement process begins, it would be nice to then see the market value drop for players aged 30+. 

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
pl Devilpage >> jeudi mars 14 - 15:45

wow, game comeback!

pl Devilpage
pl Konstytucja Wojny
il Numpty >> jeudi mars 14 - 15:53, Modifié jeudi mars 14 - 16:14

As I said earlier the the real issue here is making any change that causes great unfairness. Some people will get a small benefit but a few others will be massively penalised when they were simply playing the game fairly according to the rules. That's a great injustice. 

The fairest solution for everyone is to bring in new youngsters that work differently. The change will then work through the game slowly and that gives everyone time to adapt. 

No real need to retire them either. That creates extra problems. The only issue is the keepers and they need a rework so don't all reach theri peak at around age 40. Which would be after some of them retire with the new proposal - and that's just as silly. 

I haven't done the Maths but, for instance, if Blocking is calculated as the cube root or square root instead of the 4th root then they would peak a little earlier during their 30s. But you would also get weaker keeper so the cost of Blocking training would need to come down to compensate.

Press pause, the whole thing needs a rethink. 


Just to add that if everyone can more or less agree on what a keeper's training trajectory should look like I could design a new Blocking formula to match. Personally, I think they need to train up faster and peak in their early 30s and then gradually decline so they eventually become unusable at around age 50+. That would probably mirror real life. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
de Gerdudonk >> jeudi mars 14 - 16:20

The idea is very good, the timing is horrible.
In the middle of transfer season saying, that the keepers going to leave is good.
I sold my keeper, and I bidded yesterday afternoon for a very old keeper. And than he will retire at the end of the season. Of course the manager accepted the price for 256 million CHF.
Without such a keeper not possible to achieve anything, and when I buy him, he is going to retire. 

de Gerdudonk
ch ⭐Frutigen⭐Garde Sport⭐
it ENZO >> jeudi mars 14 - 16:37
if you don't sell a player worth 458,000,000 euros and give him to the bank for only 22,935,000, this for me is theft, the bank pays too little in proportion to the actual value of the player
tt FC Juventus 1962
nl Aad Mansveld >> jeudi mars 14 - 16:46

Gerdudonk. I should ask the admin to cancel the transfer

nl Aad Mansveld
nl **** The Hague FC ****
nl Aad Mansveld >> jeudi mars 14 - 16:48

I have spent 600 miljoen euro for two keepers aged 42 and 45 in a few seasons Now they are worthless. Not grandpa keepers. Conpensation should be in place

nl Aad Mansveld
nl **** The Hague FC ****
de Gerdudonk >> jeudi mars 14 - 17:00

The problem is, is it possible to get a solid keeper in the rest of the transfer window.
But giving the information that they are going to retire. Is quite late!

de Gerdudonk
ch ⭐Frutigen⭐Garde Sport⭐