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Anglais >> Discussion générale

Fermé Intéressant Game changelog (91)

nl Vincent de Boer >> vendredi octobre 24 - 13:14
Season 13 updates were put online:
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> vendredi octobre 24 - 13:15
From the next election anyone can be a candidate or vote for countries if they have a player on the shortlist of that country, not necessarily in the team.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> lundi octobre 27 - 11:10
- Added a player log to the youth center
- Increased the chance to get a youth player from your own country to at least 50%.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi décembre 27 - 12:19
Substitutions set for the 46th minute (default) are now made during the break instead of at the beginning of the second half.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi décembre 27 - 14:11
Supertalents are made less random.
- If there's not a single supertalent among your last 30 youth players your next youth player will be a guaranteed supertalent.
- If you had 2 (or more) supertalents among your last 25 youths, your next youth player will not be a supertalent.

In all other cases, the probability to get a supertalent is the same as it was.

This will not affect your next youth player, but those after that.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi décembre 27 - 14:11, Modifié lundi janvier 5 - 20:02
"Intelligent" bonus was reduced from 2 balls tactics to just one.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> samedi janvier 10 - 11:09
We've added a forum rules section to the terms of service to make it more clear what you can and can not post on the forum:
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> jeudi janvier 22 - 10:20
The popularity penalty when a manger leaves a club is now only applied if the leaving manager was at the club for at least 52 days.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> jeudi janvier 29 - 11:13
The leagues of Colombia and United States will have 20 teams per league group next season.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> jeudi janvier 29 - 13:02
Advanced teams are now reset after one month if no new manager picks this team.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> mercredi décembre 23 - 10:22
We changed the formulas for sponsor money and tv revenue for new leagues (Palau and Niue) to reduce the differences for people starting later in the season.

This will work in a similar way to how it was in the first seasons of the game. In the first season, all league levels will get the same amount of sponsorship, in the second season only the lowest league level will get a lower amount, in the third season the lowest two league levels get a lower amount etc.

The TV money will gradually increase over the first 5 seasons. In the first season it's 20% of the normal amount, in the second 40% etc.

This only affects Palau and Niue. The teams in the first and second level will get less sponsor money, the teams in lower levels will get more so that all teams from now on get the same amount. The amount of sponsor money that was already received is not changed.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> vendredi janvier 15 - 12:04
- when your babysitter watches your home match live you get +20% attendance bonus (not cumulative, so if you watch it yourself as well there is no extra bonus).
- players no longer cancel transfers if they don't like the winning team.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> dimanche mars 13 - 09:23
Two changes for season 23:

- more money per credit when buying money for credits:
The new values are more coresponding to the value of the new created players

- starting in season 23 the popularity bonus for selling tickets to your matches is also doubled by the starters bonus (first 4 seasons).
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> lundi mars 14 - 10:14
- A message is now sent when a player turns 20 and gains the popular attribute.
- A message is now sent when a player from your shortlist is put on the transfer list.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement
nl Vincent de Boer >> mercredi mars 16 - 12:18, Modifié mercredi mars 16 - 16:25
In accordance to changes made by the UEFA to the real Champions League and Europa League this season we also made changes to the continental competitions in Rocking Soccer.

- Cup runners up never qualify for their continent any more. If the cup winner qualifies for the champions league then the cup ticket is offered to the league and not to the cup runner up. Cup runners up in the current season (22) can still qualify.

- The defending champion of the season 23 champions league (and later) will qualify for at least the group stage of the next Champions League. The defending champion of the Lower continental competition will qualify for at least the playoffs of the champions league, they will even enter in the group stage if the CL winner already qualified for the group stage through the national league.

- The group seeding of the champions league is done slightly different. Instead of adding the top 8 teams in pot 1 during the draw, pot 1 will consist of the defending champion and the winners of the 7 strongest leagues (on league coefficient). This will first be applied to the season 23 Champions League.

- The number of entries in each round is changed in accordance to real life changes. This will only affect the season 24 continental tournaments.
nl Vincent de Boer
Chef de développement