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Anglais >> Compétitions

Africa, the yet undiscovered El Dorado of Rocking Soccer (15)

ua ... >> vendredi juin 7 - 21:16, Modifié samedi juin 8 - 08:12
If you're considering to start all over again with a new club, then a country in Africa is the place to be. Here you can still start in a high level, and have immediately a good chance to compete until the very end for the national title and/or the cup!

Additionally, you might even earn an entry ticket for the African Champions League, or Africa League, and join the fight for the really big prizes!

Just take a good look at the list of countries, select a country that you like, and apply for a club, and maybe we'll meet again, and fight heavy but sportive battles together.

Good luck, and see you soon!
ua ...
tg Oogie Man >> samedi juin 8 - 04:35
Great competition and camaraderie in Africa for sure. I like Togo myself the competition is just heating up here everyone in their first season, but comin on strong!! Hope to see you guys out on the plains for a game of the roundball.
tg Oogie Man
ng 手术刀 >> samedi juin 8 - 10:20
Yes, Africa League is a good choice
ng 手术刀
ca Justin Lotofpain >> dimanche juin 9 - 00:12
2nd level north american countries (ie not us, canada or mexico)also fall into this level of potential.
ca Justin Lotofpain
br faelcks >> dimanche juin 9 - 03:20

Like me! Jamaica! kinda doing well, soon, the world.

By the way, leagues in Africa, any league is strong enough for making a strong competition in WC?
br faelcks
pt Sir Alex >> lundi juin 10 - 12:38
I want to be champion :D... of europe.

and in Africa it is not possible: (
pt Sir Alex
ua ... >> mardi juin 11 - 10:42
Unfortunately, the number of really active players in Senegal is dropping very quickly to only one...

Therefore, I would like to repeat my invitation to come and join the competition in Senegal. You have a good chance to start immediately in the top level, and join the fight for the national title and champions league tickets! And I would really like to get a few decent opponents in my own competition as well.
ua ...
tg Oogie Man >> lundi juin 17 - 03:32
Anyone in a country lacking competition should make their way over to the Togo league in Africa. Very competitive with helpful and respectful managers. Our greater goal is the Togo National Team. We wanna get it up from 90th spot in the rankings. Good Luck to all if you don't decide it's for you. But if you do then I will see you on the pitch!
tg Oogie Man
ph Joshua >> lundi juin 17 - 14:09
It is actually a good thing that your inviting managers to transfer and play to your country but FOR ME the thing is it would be hard to play in a league where there are less users than BOT managers b'coz the whole game would'nt pretty much be called a multiplayer game and also you would be a loner if that would happen. But the good thing about it is you'll have the advantage of owning a strong and wealthy team even if you have only played this game for a couple of days.So pretty much that would depend on the manager whether he would transfer or not... either way transfering option would be nice tho. :))
ph Joshua
nl Koen >> mercredi juin 19 - 21:02
There are currently a few empty spots in the 2nd dutch league, if you want to experience multiplayer, you can consider moving there. Since Holland was one of the starting countries, multiplayer and opportunities are guaranteed :)
nl Koen
cn 卷心菜 >> mercredi juin 19 - 22:15
Also the players in the netherlands are generally friendly and honest. I surely enjoy playing in this country.
cn 卷心菜
us tango >> jeudi juin 20 - 19:33
its all about the togo league
us tango
pw Su >> vendredi juin 21 - 06:03
I see that popularity is poooooor because in Marocco in premier league are 7 active clubs and generality there are 16 clubs in Premier league. In the bush league there are 3/16 active clubs. I think it is no - sense why Admins not join all active clubs to the premier league? We all in premier league loss popularity playing with bots...
pw Su
tg Oogie Man >> vendredi juin 21 - 16:52
You are right kokz it does take a certain kind of bad-boy to take a League of minimal resources, and say to yourself that's my baby right there. As Lebron once said I'm taking my talents to TOGO!
Next step the world.
tg Oogie Man
us tango >> samedi juin 22 - 04:18
i love the sound of vuvuzela in the morning
us tango