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Anglais >> Questions

regarding the construction manager bug (3)

br Fran >> mardi mai 28 - 17:20

I have two current staffs at construction that are not at the maximum level of construction time reduction, and i already have a construction on-going

When this season ends i'll have a constructor of a higher level available. If i trade the constructor staffs will it trigger some bug of expanding the construction time instead of reducting it? 

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven
il Numpty >> mardi mai 28 - 20:50

The exact mechanism of the bug is unknown, but it happens when changing construction managers and usually when you are using 2 of them. 

So my advice is to wait until the current construction is finished before swapping them around. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
br Fran >> mardi mai 28 - 22:57

i get it now! thank you

br Fran
br Inazuma Eleven