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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

Guess who will win Euro And Copa América (5)

it Federico >> viernes junio 14 - 13:58

Today will start Euro 2024 and in a week also Copa América. Who will win the competitions?

For me it's the time of England, a still young team but with a lot of quality, i think they are slightly more complete in various departments than France.

Argentina is the world champion team but i think Brazil is the favorite one for winning the competition, here too in my opinion the green and gold are more complete than the world champions. 

it Federico
it Aglianese
eng Stephen >> viernes junio 14 - 17:35

England's defence is not the strongest and I don't know if they will be good enough going forward to compensate for that. My fear is they will be too negative as they worry about not letting goals in instead of trying to win matches. Probably France are the best squad. But Portugal also have some very capable players. I just don't know if they have a coach capable of delivering a strategy at tournaments.

I don't know enough about South American football to even bother talking about who might win!

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
us Joey >> sábado junio 15 - 09:17, Editado sábado junio 15 - 09:37

Ukraine and USA

I'm not good at predictions, I'm just gonna say this and hope it's right.

I'm looking forward to both tournaments!

us Joey
il Numpty >> sábado junio 15 - 10:11

Scotland to beat Germany in the final:

Scotland 5-1 Germany

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets