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Anglais >> Suggestions

Create player (6)

tl CrazyPanda >> mardi juin 16 - 07:26

Maybe Age 16~17,2500 credits,but high level,low RSD.

Create player costs RSD too much rightnow.

tl CrazyPanda

If nothing is done now, next part will be how to take away credit from hoarders.

eng Stephen >> mardi juin 16 - 13:54

Why would stuff need to be done about people ‘hoarding’ credits? What possible benefit would anyone get from this? Analysing matches a thousand times? Bidding for every player on the transfer market? 

eng Stephen
Administrateur principal
eng Seaburn Beach

it was beneficial before but currently there isn't any benefit, everyone is saving hoping there will be an update worth spending it. 

ee onuelver >> jeudi juin 18 - 11:04

Those two higher level ones are harmful thanks to their ridiculously high prices. SO12 test player had minimum age and MV 45M which mean he will be sold to bank as he is much worse than my weaker academy pulls and pay for him 138M to get later 23M?? Only SO3 and 5 may be worth farming and later selling to bank as they are cheap. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
tl CrazyPanda >> lundi juin 22 - 13:55

You need both money and credits to create one player, is not a good idea.More than half a year to accumulate enough credits, but RSD?The same RSD is enough to buy an equally good player.New players could have improved their abilities by creating player,but RSD is a huge constraint,because RSD must used to build buildings.

tl CrazyPanda