Championnat de Autriche saison 51

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Season 52 (12)

pt Mourinho Roma SSR >> lundi mai 11 - 08:52

Season 52 [A Feast for Crows ]

New bloods have come to 1st league , although with older line-up and less experiences.

Lets see what will happen in this season.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

pt Mourinho Roma SSR
ee Balthazor >> mercredi mai 27 - 07:18

Looks quite normal that I lost playoffs: my youth team where players have mostly with L2 experience lost heavily to Gekos who are sitting on playoff spot and Rapid is being quite comfortly here. I have troubles in L2 with some opponents. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
pt Mourinho Roma SSR >> mercredi mai 27 - 11:58

       Looks like it has come to the right time to announce my ambition, my team: FC Rapid Wien SSR, is going to claim the championship of 1st league in foreseeable future.

       None of you can stop my path to championship, my team is going to beat you all easily in the future, expecially for you, Rachel YNWA the 2nd League invincible final boss.

       "Just Joking la." 

pt Mourinho Roma SSR
ee Balthazor >> vendredi mai 29 - 04:46

My next long-term goal is third place. I am realistic: top two teams are not easy to catch as they are far ahead with facilities and they don't do big mistakes. It would take some years and I should have extreme luck with couple of very good STs after upgrading my facilities. Currently first goal is stadium, after that I can go ahead with academies. Then my team probably is not very homegrown.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> lundi juin 8 - 17:03

No Austrian NT players coming from Simmering on next 15 seasons: got this disappointing supertalent with almost maximal possible age. He would be OK for my club, but far from NT potential.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Balthazor >> jeudi juin 18 - 17:58

Still not ready for League 1 as it was already third loss from Rachel YNWA this season. Who else should I win next season in case of promotion? 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
cn 神话 >> vendredi juin 19 - 04:04, Modifié vendredi juin 19 - 04:06

So,you should buy my player.

cn 神话
at FC Barcelona
ee Balthazor >> samedi juin 20 - 17:48

My team is too "frozen" behind stadium, can't upgrade academies so far as stadium is ready. With poor academies I can't build up so good team as I want.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
cn koko >> lundi juin 22 - 09:55

Your team is still very strong and it will be very difficult for me to beat you at least this season。I expect us to play in the first league

cn koko
ee Balthazor >> mardi juin 30 - 19:40

0-3 was not very big surprise as my youth team was trashed with bigger score and there was many players from my first team squad. 

Next season will be quite tight again in L2, just one team seems to be out of others class. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn