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אנגלית >> דיון כללי

Player Training Ratios (2)

us Ulysses >> יום שני פברואר 25 - 14:14, ערוך יום שני פברואר 25 - 14:15
I thought it might be interesting to compare how different managers are training their players. While it is probably too early to have obtained substanial experience to train players or to be able to have experimentally determined the relative worth of training different positions in different attributes, it might still be interesting to compare ideas. While an official recommendation from the developers would be welcome, this is meant to be more of a thread for managers to compare ideas.

I've personally been training to a ratio of 1/2 for adjacent trainable features (just moving left or right) and 1/3 for features that are two spots away, though I've prioritized training the main feautre to a certain threshold before training to a specific ratio. I won't train goalies in scoring and probably not forwards in blocking. Of course, there is probably room for specialists, like a sweeper with a higher than usual blocking skill or a defensive midfielder with higher than usual dueling.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Ulysses >> יום שני פברואר 25 - 17:35
This help update was helpful for determining what trainable features should be emphasized: http://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/help/home/category-1/article-3
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC